Christmas Fic for r_vecchio : Not Thinking About It

Dec 19, 2009 16:09

Title: Not Thinking About It
Prompt: I have no IDEA if this is even possible because it makes my own head explode buuuuut, for the pure crackiness, a fic where Vecchio and Wizard Boy are a couple and they go out for a Christmas drink with Murph :D I hope that doesn't like, snap your shippy muscles or anything XD Rating and genre can be the surprise? I have no preference!
Characters: Lt. Connie Murphy, Harry Dresden, Ray Vecchio, Benton Fraser.
Rating: PG
Pairings: Ray/Harry, Murphy/Fraser
Warnings: Slash!
Author’s Notes: While I’ve probably scarred Murphy for life by writing this, I found it surprisingly amusing. Sometimes, it was a little brain breaking, but mostly it was an oddity that kept me amused and challenged in writing it. That’s what I like about these Christmas fics, they’re entertaining and they make me stretch my writing muscles.


Murphy reached underneath her seat, pulled on the lever and pushed her seat back all the way. In the driver seat, Harry glanced over at her, one eyebrow raised. She ignored him, put her feet up on the dash and crossed her arms over her chest. It was going to be a long night, a long stakeout and if she had to spend it crammed into his ancient Jeep she was going to be as comfortable as possible.

The thing wasn’t so bad in the summer. She liked riding around with the wind blowing through her hair, the sun bright on her face and it was nice. In the winter? The thing was freezing cold, the seats felt frozen solid and the springs were just worthless. She was not happy about having to be in it.

“You better be right about this,” she grumbled, trying to hide deeper in her wool coat.

“Come on, have I ever been wrong?” Harry said, sounding a little too happy about being on a stakeout in the middle of December.

She snorted out a laugh, “Do you really want me to answer that?”

“Good point.” Harry paused, leaning forward to wipe at a spot on the windshield. “Well, when have I been wrong about this case?”

She scowled because he hadn’t been wrong about this case. Lately, he had been spookily accurate. Luckily for him she had gotten over her habit of suspecting him first when that happened. Now, she had adjusted her thinking to trusting him until there was evidence to say she shouldn’t. She really hated that adjustment sometimes. Especially when it landed her in his crappy Jeep in the middle of winter.

“I forgot how cold makes you grumpy.”

“I am not grumpy,” she protested then held up a finger as her cell phone started ringing. She managed to dig it out from her pocket, then flipped it open and tucked it under her hat to keep her ear warm. “Lieutenant Murphy.”

“Put Harry on.”

Murphy rolled her eyes. “What do you want, Vecchio?”

“Like I said, Con, put Harry on.”

“Who says he’s here?”

“Hey, I’m not stupid. I called your partner first. He said you’re on a stakeout with him. Now, put him on.”

“I’m going to start making you pay for my minutes if you keep this up,” she said and held her phone out to Harry. “If you fry it, I’m taking it out of your consulting fee.”

Harry looked sheepish and took the phone delicately out of her hand. She took the binoculars from him and settled in to listening and watching. She didn’t have a big problem with Vecchio and Harry dating. As long as she didn’t think too hard about it, it was okay, it was fine. The only problem was Harry’s lack of modern technology and their friendship. She had somehow become the official go between when Vecchio needed to pass a message along or get in contact. She put up with it because it made Harry happy.

She just didn’t like to think about it too hard.

“What? That was tonight?” Harry scrambled to push his sleeve back and study his watch. “Oh, sorry, Ray, really. It’s just we got a hot lead and… no, there’s no hocus pocus involved. Right now. Just a stakeout.”

Murphy looked over and whispered, “Trouble in paradise?”

Harry covered the mouthpiece with a hand, “Do you know Charlie’s Diner?”

“Yeah, it’s a 2-7 favorite. Cheap coffee, big portions, the night shift swears by it.”

“Yeah… I just stood Ray up and everyone in Charlie’s knows.”

She snorted. “No one in Charlie’s knows. No one in Charlie’s cares. He’s trying to make you feel guilty.”

And from the look on Harry’s face, it was working. Murphy sighed and tossed the binoculars onto the dash next to her feet. She wasn’t sure Harry could hold out against a Vecchio guilt trip. The man had it down to an art, to the point where even she would feel guilty after long enough. If it got to Harry, they were going to Charlie’s.

“He wants to talk to you again,” Harry said, holding her phone gingerly between two fingers.

She plucked it from him, tucking it under her hat again. “What now?”

“I’ll trade you.”

“Excuse me?”

“Look, if you just need someone to sit in a car with you in the cold for hours on end, Fraser’s great at that!” Vecchio said, “And I know he’s not doing anything. Well, he’s probably not doing anything. Look, by the time you get here, he’ll be free and happy to help.”

“Fraser doesn’t know a thing about this case,” she pointed out.

She didn’t mind sharing Harry, really, but she had him first and she was supposed to have him all night for this stakeout. Vecchio and his “date” were not her priority and not something she was going to think too hard about. No, not thinking about that at all.

“What? You can’t catch him up while you’re sittin’ there? Come on.”

Maybe it was mean of her, but she kind of liked the desperate, practically begging tone of Vecchio’s voice right there. She smiled a little.

“What’ll you give me?”

“What? Fraser’s not enough?”

“Hey, I’m losing my consultant who is getting paid for this evening, so I’m going to need a little more than just another helping hand.”

Vecchio let out a heavy sigh. “Fine. Get here and I’ll get you coffee. To go so you can get right back to work.”

“You’ll pay for it,” she stressed, “Not make Fraser cover you?”

There was silence on Vecchio’s end for a moment and then a heavy sigh. “Fine, but you better bring Harry or I’m going to make you pay for my dinner.”

“Fine. We’ll be there as soon as a patrol car gets here to watch the guy while we’re gone.” She snapped her phone closed before Vecchio could protest even more.

“Sorry, Murphy,” Harry said while she dialed dispatch.

She shrugged. “Hey, just means you and Vecchio owe me.”


“So, turns out Fraser was doing something tonight,” Vecchio said the moment they approached his booth. “But, he’s on his way. Said he’d be happy to help.”

“Great.” She sighed and then found something very fascinating about the lunch counter while Harry leaned over and kissed the top of Vecchio’s head. She didn’t have a problem with homosexuality, she really didn’t. She just had a problem with anyone kissing Vecchio on the top of the head. Her best friend doing it, made it just a little too weird for her tastes.

“You could join us until he gets here,” Harry said, glancing at Vecchio for approval, who grudgingly gave it.

“No, it’s alright.” That would just be way too awkward for her tastes. “I’ll wait for Fraser outside.”

“Come on, Con, it’s freezing out there. Only Fraser likes this weather. Sit.”

She hid a frown behind taking her scarf off and then sat next to Harry, across from Vecchio. Perching on the edge of the seat, she tapped her foot impatiently. She felt better with a uniform sitting on their suspect, but she wanted to get back out there herself. And not think about what she was leaving Harry behind on.

But, she had to admit, there was a little curiosity in her about Harry and Vecchio’s relationship. What the hell did they talk about? For as long as she’d known Vecchio he had mocked her for using a wizard in her investigations. The one time she had ever seen Vecchio and Harry talk, it had been a short, brisk conversation about magician’s tricks.

“Ma loved that sauce recipe,” Vecchio said, gesturing at Harry with his fork. “She won’t shut up about it and now wants all your recipes.”

Harry smiled good-naturedly, “Did you tell her I don’t have them written down?”

“Yup.” Vecchio nodded. “She’s getting you some notecards. Either that or she’s going to make you cook next Sunday.”

“You’ve had dinner at his mom’s place?” Murphy asked, somewhat surprised. She didn’t think their relationship was at that stage.

Vecchio snorted. “Soon as Ma found out I was with someone, I couldn’t get her to stop nagging me until I brought him.”

“She’s very nice,” Harry said, glancing at her with a smile. “You’d like her.”

“Does she likes you?”

“Ha!” Vecchio rolled his eyes. “Ma can’t get enough. A guy who cooks, opens doors, hell, he shoveled the front walk for her last week when that snow came out of nowhere. Says he’s a better son than me. Can you believe that, Con?”

“Shocking,” she said dryly. “Truly shocking.”

“You’re being sarcastic, aren’t you?”

“Nice catch, Vecchio.”

“Yeah, well, you can get your coffee and go. I see a red coat. Fraser’s here.”

Oh, thank God. Murphy practically leapt out of the booth.

“You’ll call if something happens, right Murphy?” Harry asked, looking hopeful. He was just as invested in this case as she was.

“Yeah, yeah, have a good night.” She took her coffee from the waitress behind the counter and pointed a finger at Vecchio. “If you call me again and it’s not a police emergency, I’m blocking your number.”

“Oh, come on!”

But she was already walking out. Fraser opened the door for her and beamed with that eager smile of his that reminded her of a puppy wanting to please his master.

“Lieutenant, sir, Ray said you needed my help.”

“Yeah, get your car, we’re going on a stakeout.”

“Uh, my apologies sir but I don’t have a car,” Fraser said with a small smile.

“What?” She gapped at him. “How can you not have a car? How did you get here without a car.”

“I walk everywhere. And then there’s always public transportation if I need to go very far or quicker than walking.”

She took a deep breath and let it out slowly while counting to four. “Okay, no car, fine. We’ll go pick up my car from the station. Then, we’re going to a stakeout. After that, we’re planning revenge against Vecchio for this bull. I am not letting him get away with this.”

She turned sharply on her heel and started walking towards the 2-7, Fraser falling smartly into step with her. She got one last look at Harry laughing at something Vecchio said. Her friend looked happy, actually both of them looked happy. If she thought about it, they looked a little bit in love but she didn’t really think about that.


Groping blindly for her cell phone on the nightstand Murphy cursed herself for choosing the life of a public servant. She spent all night in her freezing SUV only to discover her suspect had slipped out the back while the uniforms hadn’t been paying attention. The whole night wasn’t a loss because Fraser followed foot prints and other signs only he could see and found the suspect three blocks away at a friend’s apartment. By dawn, she was actually able to go to sleep where she was now still exhausted.

“Lieutenant Murphy,” she ground out, dragging the phone under the pillow with her.

“What? You don’t answer your doorbell?”

“Vecchio,” she groaned, “What the hell do you want now?”

“Look, Harry kinda felt guilty for bailing on you last night so we brought over breakfast,” he said, actually sounding apologetic.

“Great, leave it on the front porch and go away.”

“You’re already at the door might as well let us in.”

“I’m not…” Murphy shot a hand out and groped at the empty side of the bed. “Damn it.”

“Fraser!?! What the hell are you doing here? Connie, what the hell is Fraser doing here?! Yes, Harry and I want to come in. Oh, you better have a good explanation for this…”

Murphy closed her phone, threw it across the room and pulled the covers over her head. She was not going to think about it. Any of it. She wasn’t going to think about what it meant that Harry and Vecchio were bringing breakfast over together. She was not going to think about how either of them would take Fraser answering her door at this hour and she was not going to think about her sense of disappointment that Fraser got out of bed before she got a second chance at him. She was not going to think about anything.

She was going back to sleep.


[who] det ray vecchio, [who] benton fraser, [fanfiction], [who] harry dresden

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