Fanfiction Drabbles: Let the Music Move Your

Aug 20, 2009 21:31

Author's Note: My internet is really bad tonight. I get about two minutes of good time before it stops working. So, in my frustration, I decided to distract myself with one of my favorite writing exercises. The idea is that you put your music player on shuffle and write a drabble for whatever song comes on. You only have the time of the song to write and once it's done you can't write anything more on that drabble. Since I've been feeling like House/Murphy, I wrote some!

01. The Rite of Spring: XIII. Sacrificial Dance (The Chosen Victim). - London Symphony Orchestra.

It’s one of those things she does without thinking. The gun goes left, towards House and she steps over, steps in the path and the bullet sends her a step back into him. The sniper’s bullet is a second later, causing the drug crazed addict’s head to explode and now dead weight drop to the floor.

House is trying to hold her up, but he can only manage to grab her arm as she slowly slides to her knees. It’s hard to breathe and she can taste blood. He’s yelling for things, calling for nurses and more doctors, for medicine and cursing her.

“Don’t you dare die for me, don’t you dare.” He yells harshly shaking her. “I’m not worth it, Connie. I’m not. Where the hell are all the nurses?!”

It all becomes a buzz, a hum as she slumps sideways and watches the red pool form around her with a smile. He called her Connie.

02. Drink It Up Men - The Dubliners

Chase’s bachelor party is a sight. A doctor’s salary goes a long way to creating one hell of a party. Of course, that’s why she’s here with the ambulance and a bunch of patrol cars. One of which has Wilson in the back, who is a very friendly drunk.

When she finds him, she gives him a half a smile. “Got to hand it to you, doc, you really know how to party.”

Of course, she still piles him and his team in the back of patrol cars and takes them to the hospital like criminals.

03. Witchcraft - Frank Sinatra

Her back hits the wall hard and he tugs frantically at the little thin straps of her best man killer red dress. She laughs around their frantic kisses, loving him wild and unrestrained.

She has a power over him and he hates it. She can tell in the way he bites at her lower lip and neck. It’s in the way his hands claw at her and his body presses into hers, seeking desperate release.

But he can’t blame it all on her and her legs. He lets her bewitch him.

04. Who Needs Pictures - Brad Paisley

There is only one picture of them together. She still doesn’t know who took it, but it was last year’s Christmas party, the one he had reluctantly invited her to and the one she had missed because of a triple homicide. She had shown up at the tail end and caught him walking out the door. Back then, it had seemed important to her that he understood she hadn’t stood him up.

The picture shows them standing close together, their breaths rising above their heads and mingling together like the ghosts of long lost loves. She doesn’t need the photograph to remember because on cold nights she still feels the way his gloved fingers felt as they pushed her hair back behind her ear while he asked what happened to her hat.

05. Mi Mancherai - Josh Groban

Wilson takes her to the opera on their third date. It’s one of their shared interests and she’s looking forward to it. She even enjoyed it, forgetting momentarily how when she goes out with Wilson she always feels a sense of betrayal, like she’s cheating. She holds Wilson’s hand while the prima donna belts out Italian in a voice she wishes she had. It’s all going beautifully until his pager buzzes.

He’s very apologetic as they make their way through the rows of seats to the exit. She keeps telling him it’s okay. She’s a cop, she knows how it goes. But when they enter House’s office together and she sees him see her, see them as a couple, she knows it’s over for good.

They can’t forgive each other this betrayal. Now it’s real, too real to be swept under a rug or locked away never to be spoken of again. They’re done with all the finality of the final curtain. She doesn’t listen to opera for weeks after. Wilson doesn’t make a comment about it.

06. Cruella De Vil - Bill Lee

She stopped in her tracks on the way out the door and looks at him. House’s face was completely innocent but he kept playing, plunking away on the keys almost with a sense of humor, like the piano was laughing at her for him.

“See if you get any when I get home tonight,” she said with a little snort of laughter.

“Well then, the song will be entirely appropriate, won’t it?” He added a little extra trill, picking up the pace and making it a little jazzier.

“Did I do something this morning to warrant being called Cruella?”

He shrugged, still playing with his innocent expression. She shook her head and rolled her eyes. Like she could understand the mysteries of House and his song choices.

“I’ll see you tonight, House.”

And she left with him still playing. She realized later that he wasn’t playing the song at her, but at her new female Captain who had called her in on her day off. She was ticked at him when she got home because she couldn’t stop humming it after that.

07. Tie Your Mother Down - Queen

Being dragged along by House was a strange experience, but one she was getting used to. He seemed to enjoy manhandling her around. That she didn’t mind should have bothered her, but she was too busy trying to stop him from shoving her in his hall closet to really think about that right now.


“Just get in there.” He tried to push her in with the end of his cane and she twisted it out of his grip, so he tried with a hand on her shoulder but she planted her feet and pushed back. She was stronger than she looked.

“What the hell is wrong with you?”

“It’s only until I can get her out of the apartment and then you can escape. Just get in there!”

“What? Who? Explain yourself would you?”

“No time.”

There was a knock on the door and House’s pushing became more determined.

“Greg? Are you home?”


“Greg?” An old woman stuck her head in the door and looked at them, an eyebrow raised.

House hung his head and Murphy tried hard not to turn bright pink.

“Murphy, this is my mom. Mom, this is Murphy. I’m going to need a drink for this.”

08. Blowing In The Wind - Dolly Parton and Nickel Creek

Sitting down next to him, she winced at the cold concrete table, but soon settled in and watched the mostly empty park. There were a few determined joggers and other health nuts but most it was just the two of them and the cold fall breeze.

She didn’t feel the need to say anything, which was a first. Usually when they were together she wanted to fill the silence with anything just so it wouldn’t feel intimate. Now though, she was comfortable with a quiet moment between them. They were so rare, she was learning to treasure them.

“You need a hat,” he said finally and she realized he was looking at her. “Your hair won’t blow in your face so much.”

She smiled because he had noticed something like that about her.

09. All American Girl - Carried Underwood

“The principal called. Again. Guess what your daughter has done this time.”

“Why is she my daughter only when the principal calls?”

“There’s only so much genetic material I can claim. Now, will you stop and listen or keep making smart remarks?”

“I don’t know. How much time do you have?”

“Ha ha. Your daughter was brought to the principals’ office today by the liaison officer because she had evidence as to who did that brilliant senior prank last week.”

“She did huh?”

“Don’t sound so proud. Why did she have to get your morals?” House groaned.

“Because she got your eyes.” Murphy laughed.

10. Bleeding Love (Jason Nevins Original Radio Mix) - Leona Lewis

“You know, it’s a really bad idea,” Wilson said, sitting with her out on House’s office balcony. In the month she and House had actually managed a relationship, he had gotten closer to her and somewhere along the lines they became friends.

“Sleeping with him when he was drunk was a really bad idea, but I did that anyway,” she pointed out with a shrug. “I’m not known for making good relationship decisions.”

“Murphy, House is…”

“I know, okay? But I’ve been hurt before. I can deal with it. Just let me enjoy the good while I can.” Neither of them said what they were thinking. Asking how long it would last would just jinx everything.

[ship] house/murphy, [drabbles], [verse] house

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