Naturally, it is Canada reporting on this. Certainly not the American media - wouldn't want to ruffle the fundies' complacent feathers, now would we? *sighs* And I doubt this'll get any coverage here at all, really.
Well, it *did* show up on Yahoo and a couple other places a little later; the first/earliest source I found was Canada, but I guess it went out on the AP wire too.
Of course, in essence you're right - I'll be amazed if this gets any significant coverage. They've moved on to Jacko, after all. (The blessing of a news media with a short attention span is that every time, it turns out they were wrong, but by then it's just a footnoted correction....)
Ah yes. If I hear any more about the Jackson trial, or for that matter Katie Holmes converting to Scientology, I'm going to be sick.
I should've added "significant" to "coverage" in my comment, but I think y'all understood what I meant. I'm cynical, but I'm just going by the way things have worked out before. :-/
Bleh, I know. I'm sick of all that shit. At least the Schiavo thing had some wider/political relevance, unlike the Kidnapped White Female of the Week and the Random Celebrity Drama OTW.
And I'm cynical myself; I think you're right. It'll be a passing mention, and in a year everyone who suffered through the 24/7 original coverage won't recall this final outcome at all.
Heh. Well-said. Somehow I pictures these things beginning like this:
"Sir, I think you should take a look at this." "Meh, another missing-person report. Happens all the time. Tragic, but not newsworthy." "But sir... look at this photograph of the young lady." "Dear God! We have a missing blond American teenage girl! Gentlemen, you know the drill - MOVE, MOVE, MOVE!" "Sir! We have information that she's a good Southern girl, a honor student who wants to study medicine!" "Oh, praise the Lord."
However I doubt that the fundies will shut up now :)
Of course, in essence you're right - I'll be amazed if this gets any significant coverage. They've moved on to Jacko, after all. (The blessing of a news media with a short attention span is that every time, it turns out they were wrong, but by then it's just a footnoted correction....)
I should've added "significant" to "coverage" in my comment, but I think y'all understood what I meant. I'm cynical, but I'm just going by the way things have worked out before. :-/
And I'm cynical myself; I think you're right. It'll be a passing mention, and in a year everyone who suffered through the 24/7 original coverage won't recall this final outcome at all.
Heh. Well-said. Somehow I pictures these things beginning like this:
"Sir, I think you should take a look at this."
"Meh, another missing-person report. Happens all the time. Tragic, but not newsworthy."
"But sir... look at this photograph of the young lady."
"Dear God! We have a missing blond American teenage girl! Gentlemen, you know the drill - MOVE, MOVE, MOVE!"
"Sir! We have information that she's a good Southern girl, a honor student who wants to study medicine!"
"Oh, praise the Lord."
(the same week Laci Peterson disappeared, a black young mother who was pregnant *also* vanished. Anyone heard of her?)
(...I know, Laci wasn't 100% white, but she *looked* it, and that's evidently what counts.)
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