Memory save, GO! These threads are logged!
Forced ice cream social. Keeps Near company; loneliness. Worried about Rabi. Meets Narumi Shouhei; set up a desk somewhere. Meets the Spirit, Norio, and Zima. Bonds with Mikage over cooking. Norg offers to help. Mika's wounds, and advice on love. Ohno and cosplay. Meets Remy, Maka, and Kou. Salt ice cream for Roxas. Austria is a goat. Remodeling plans with Poland. Meets Spitfire, Dean, and Sam. Gant assumes.
It's a shark! Happy!Near. Del as a shark. Agito, take two.
Ikki's date. Everyone's in the bushes. Akito and five girlfriends. Meets Nakayama.
Car in the Lawyertarium. Dehiatus! Needs some sleep. Poland wants to fix the holes right now. Near offers to help. Uru is mother hen-ish. Meets Gant.
Paper burning. There goes that paperwork in Cyrillic. Akito's offer. Near's trying to understand forgiveness. Russia'd. D8
New lookout. Liet's age-secret fail.
Kagura missed Valentine's. Cookies get! Making chocolate for Near.
You're beautiful, it's true. Mp3 hunting for Casshern.
Required foods. Meets Megan. A trip to the glass house with Cuthbert.
Commonwealth anniversary. Russia'd a third time. Paperwork in Cyrillic. Meets Cielo. Promises to make cake for Italy. VALSPEAK IS A GO. Stop bullying Latvia, Poland. Uru eats cake. Hungary ships it. Invites China for dinner. Promises to teach Near baking.
I love animals. Nearbear and helping with the sticker. Delirium's fish. Acquiring rainbow minnows for Poland.
Cold War. Distraction plans with Prussia. Which is hotter, America or Russia? Russia'd TWICE. P-paperwork get.
Love goo. Makes out with Girlmerica. Holding hands with Poland. Almost goes too far. Russia cockblocks!
Wrapping presents in the Mess Hall. Meet Kanji. Near knows the secret.
Musical instruments! Kanklės! Near plays the viola. Chii can sing. Latvia!
Ask me about... ex. Poland's pink dress. Aftermath of the fight, and Poland's all muddy. Prussia's crush.
Grafitti wall. Draws a pig and soup. What's Uru gonna make? Date is sort of a bastard. Near's code.
Poor Squirrels. Wtf was that? Near's in a bad mood. Uru's optimism. Follow-up to bedninja-ing Kagura.