A tree bleeds, so it has to hurt.

Mar 26, 2004 19:02

I went to see the lady today and she asked me to draw a tree, so i drew one, and in the middle it had a scar. She asked me "Why's that scar there?" and i said "Because everyone and everything has scars", and she asked me "Does it hurt?" and i told her, "Well, the tree bleeds, so it has to hurt."

Yea today was cool. Went downtown to see the lady. Shes nice. I suppose their suppose to be anyway. So im waiting til later tonight to call Christina about tomorrow. Im hoping to chill with Taylor at least one day of spring break. I saw the lead singer from the Floaters i know where he works now. Their playing at 2 house parties, i think i'll go to since i have nothing better to do.
So, anyway last night i was really bored since my cusin didnt want to go to the fair since it rained. Sooo i took pictures! woohoo.

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