Mar 07, 2008 23:44
so i have every intention of documenting my day to day. some sort of collection i can look back on one day. its funny how much things can really change. i lost school and realized how broke i truly was. an actual rock bottom, considering the mess i managed to muddle. so i changed my view. figuratively and literally too, actually. i moved my bed, i got a second job. and i came up with a fantastic financial plan that can guarantee a one bedroom apartment and a new car by august. not to mention a nice bundle of savings.
i work tomorrow from 6-4, and then from 5-11. im not all that excited about it whatsoever, but i keep thinking about that apartment and that car.
due to these two jobs, i find myself bundled up inside my room most of the time. i keep thinking about the days in life where i was really happy. perhaps its all in retrospect, but there are these days that stand out. regardless of what was going on, they stick out. some of them didnt involve anything fancy or out of the ordinary. alfie on a quiet night at town and country. a walk down lincoln road, dressed up but still under dressed. a night she fell asleep and i quietly stayed up finishing an essay on the kite runner.
there's a definite similarity in those supposed random examples. you can hide it, i suppose, but it seems as if things never change. but thats for another day.
a five month stint of 80-90 hour weeks. but theres a debt free life with a new car and a cozy pad in store.
i can't help but hope.