Jun 30, 2007 16:06
I can’t sleep, and it’s been a while since I’ve tried to sit down and write anything. Not that this truly counts as “trying to write something”. But, considering that I haven’t written anything in the last few weeks, this will surely do.
Things have been a bit on the dull side the past few months. Monotonous would probably be the better word to use to describe it. I’ve spent the past two months sleeping on couch, despite the fact that I still pay for an apartment that suits me fine. I work at a breakfast restaurant on Park Avenue, and the hours there are obviously early. I also work with the owner of said couch, so it’s easiest to stay here on nights that I work. Yet, on my days off, I want to relax with said friends, so I stay. I really don’t know why it happens, but it does. One thing that truly bugs me is the fact that there’s no internet connection here. Usually, I’ll end up walking to Panera and mooching off of theirs but, for the night, I’m typing this on Word. I figure I’ll post it sometime after work tomorrow.
So, that seems to explain the monotony of life now. Work at six for four days, then three days off. It’s dull, and I’m always tired, but it’s what’s happening right now and I simply suck it up and deal. Things will be different when I get back from Miami.
I fly south on the 5th (note to self: find confirmation information) and I come back on the 12th. It should be a fun filled week. My aunts getting married on the 7th, which should definitely prove to be a great time, and the Police play Dolphin Stadium on the 11th. The rest of the week will probably be spent on the beach or driving around aimlessly.
I think I’ll go job hunting when I get back from Miami. I cant work these early hours once school starts, and I definitely would rather work at the Ale House, which was hiring a week or two ago.
I got my Orange County library card in the mail the other day. It took forever, but it finally came. I got it because apparently you can’t check books out of the UCF library when you’re not enrolled in classes. That is such a stupid rule.
I move into my new apartment on the 11th of August, and I’m really excited. Mainly because I’ll be able to sleep on a bed again! I can’t wait!
Now for something more journal-esque.
I’ve decided to pursue a PhD, but I don’t know where I want to go to get it. I was hanging out with a professor of mine and he told me that he thought it best to get your upper level degrees from a different institution than the one you received your bachelors from, and it makes sense. I just don’t know where I’d like to go. I did apply and get into a good school a while back during one of my “escape phases”, but I’m also leaning towards UM or George Washington. Yet, they’re both private schools, and I don’t know how I’d pay for those. I guess the best idea would be to actually do a little research on the best English Lit programs in the nation and work towards one of those. I just need to find the time to huddle up at Panera.
All in all, though, life’s been good to me. Sure, it’s tiring, but it’s nice to know exactly what I’m working for. Soon, my ducks will all be lined up, and I’ll be able to find other problems to fix. Until then, though, I’ll simply focus on these.