Jun 29, 2006 20:01
I wish to make this perfectally clear to everybody.....
yes, i am turning into a hippy
a dirty, tree hugging, pot smokeing, protesting hippy
This does not however in anyway mean that as an excuse I am doing drugs, at all, or that I am looking for a reason to complain. The fact of the matter is that I believe that the 60s and 70s we're my decades, and as the world is now presenting it, it is starting to reoccour once again. A perfect opporunity. This also does not mean dropping out or not going to college, quite the opposite, I plan to further my understandings and outlooks on life to the fullest extent of my ability.
Another issuse, is the war itsself. I think it is unfounded and a pointless massacre of people, on BOTH sides. Yes we are bring potentional democracy into Iraq, but at the same time, what gives the right to interfear. I think the war, for lack of a better word, is stupid and that we as American's should try to extract our troops from the Middle East. Countewise to that though, I DO support our troops, for putting their lives on the line and fighting the "good" fight, no matter how wrong I think it actually is.
Yes I am turinig into a hippy and such, I do majorly disagree with the war, but I DO support our troops, and will hurt anyone who says otherwise.
Ok? Ok