Art & Beauty

Dec 13, 2010 22:25

It annoys me to no end that I can't draw. Ok, maybe I can draw but the proportions are either off, or my style just seemed to be an eyesore to others. I can't colour too, which is problematic.

Then I have friends who can either draw really good or friends who improve at an exponential rate. People who practice drawing up to 10 hours a day. Yes, it could be the Chinese genes but I don't care! I don't seem to be a fast learner, nor a talented person!

My animator friend had already told me that the workplace in Japan is really competitive, sigh, I'm courting death


My diet plan...isn't working very well, my weight seemed to increase by 100g, then decrease 200g, then increase 300g = no change

If I remain so fat, I can never be a model, actress, seiyuu (if my Japanese or voice is good enough) or even the tree in the background. Yes, it's pathetic.
I'm not overweight, just fine, others claim that I am perfectly slim but I'm still not satisfied. Talk about anorexic (but I still munch on chocolate)

I need to get myself in a Cheongsam because it's been a long time since I wore one. I know! I have my Yukata (no Kimono yet) but I need a Cheongsam desperately! A modern one and those that resemble the kimonos!

Wait, why am I ranting publicly? -hides-

Edit: Once again, I fail at painting. I tried again, after thinking: Yosh! I shouldn't be too hard!
I need a beige paint colour! I'll try again tomorrow, should have gotten a tablet. Father says that using a tablet means animation, not painting 0.0 He's the expert so there, i can't argue against that
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