Feb 03, 2005 10:15
i took a nap while i was waiting for my friend to be finnished so we could leave the gallery... i almost never dream, but this time, while i was sleeping on 2 chairs pushed together i did.
i have no memory of what actualy happened in the dream, but i woke up with such a strong sense of longing that it almost threw me into tears.
i have no idea what i was longing for, just that i was lacking in everyway and i longed for this thing which would make me whole again... i just ended up with this heart-wrenching hunger for something i dont even know. dont know what it was, dont know if it exists, dont know if it is attaniable, dont know if it is anywhere outside of my sleeping mind...
just know that i woke up almost in physical pain for want of something.
gotta hate naps like that... i was no more rested when i woke.