
Dec 22, 2003 21:58

*Who are you? Sammey bees
*What time is it? 9:58 p.m.

[[Sex, Intimacy, etc..]]
*Describe your first kiss: ahh about a year ago with big al at like 4 am, and it was the greatest feeling ever at the time, him and I started going out and I was the happiest ever at the time, but I look back to that and realized that was the only thing that made me happy in that relationship.
*ever taken a shower with someone else? Yes...
*if yes, were they of same or different sex? different.
*do you believe that the color green subliminally make you horny? no.
*did you know thats why they made the green m&m a "sexy" female? sure..
*If you are no longer a virgin, do you wish you still were? no
*If you were/are in a relationship and your boy/girlfriend wanted to save themselves for marriage, would you respect that and stay with them, leave them, or cheat? why, respect them because thats a wonderful thing, there is seriously no point into taking someone's virginity if they don't want you have it in the first place.
*Do you believe in schools only teaching about abstinence, or birth control methods as well? yes.
*Did your parents ever talk to you about sex? omg...yeah lmfao...
*When you asked where babys came from, what did your parents used to tell you? that they came from the hospital
*Have you ever had a 'pregnancy scare'? yep, :-x well not me, more likely my mom did because I was craving food and getting fatter, hah.
*Do you believe that everyone masturbates, even if they deny it? yep.
*If you are sexually active are you responsible? yes.
*Why is it more acceptable for a woman to be bi or gay than for a man? depends
*Which is the most intimate: oral sex, anal sex, or regular sex? regular sex is the only way I go sorry..
*Have you ever had a one night stand? heck no.

[[Trust, Friendships, and just, people]]
*Who has done something today to show they care about you? yes but its kind of personal just eddy being very understanding and everything
*What was the last compliment you received? awwe youre such a nice person lol
*is it easy to gain your trust? very.
*Is there anyone you trust completely? yes, jamie, sarah, and eddy :-D Love them and Ryan
*Have you ever felt like you've been a little bit too good to someone? yes, unfortunately.
*What would make you lose respect for someone? dressing slutty, or talking like a bar whore, or lying.
*How do you know the difference between a "Real" person and a "fake" person? I don't
*Has anyone given you a second chance? If yes, who and for what? yes in all of my friendships.
*Who needs to get over themselves? sldfjsldfj.
*Who can you be with, doing anything or nothing, and always have the best time? all my best friends :-D.
*Who can you only handle for a short period of time? I love all people and I don't mind them around always
*Do you enjoy being in social situations? lmao sure..
*Do you push people away even if you really want them to come closer? nope thats a waste of time so instead I hit em up for the digits (guys only).
*Do you consider anyone unworthy your friendship? no
*Who do you feel distant from, that you used to be close to? brian
*Has anyone ever broken a promise to you, if yes what? yea but over dumb shit but im not worried
*Have you broken a promise to anyone else, if yes what? don't remember?
*How have any siblings influenced your life? nope ...
*Who would you be afraid to have angry at you? todd geeze
*Who has made the biggest sacrifice for you? sdfsdaf
*Have you ever used somebody? sdfadf
*Has any one led you on, explain? not really that I can recall..
*Who would you call in the middle of the night if you needed someone to talk to? no one will be waking me up..if so good luck cuz I sleep like no other lmao.
Have you ever felt like you were holding someone else back? um no
*Has someone ever held you back? what?
*Do you start conversations or wait for other people to start them? I start them, most people are not as talkative as I am
*Do you listen to other people's advice? only if I agree with their advice, if not, I argue lol.
*Do you neglect your friends when you have a signifigant other? nope thats dumb
*Did you forgive the last person that hurt you? why yes.

[[Personal emotions, thoughts, and feelings]]
*Although everyone has good and bad days, are you generally a happy person? Yes :-D
*Are you honest with yourself? too honest
*Do you generally understand why you feel the way you do? yes
*What are you thinking right now? how excited I am for christimas and how did the steam cleaner broke lmao.
*What are you wondering? a few things
*Do you think for yourself? well yes, I could depend on a few raging alcoholics, but i'd rather not.
*What is one idea that your thoughts generally come back to? I dunno? I think of different things, normally not the same thin gover, and over.
*Can you tell the difference between what you think and what you feel? um yes.
*Are you ever afraid to write/say/think how you feel? nope I always do it :-D
*Would you write/say/think it anyway or avoid the situation? think it away/write whatever lol.
*Do you say what you mean? damn straight lol.
*What is the happiest way you can start your day? waking up alive and not being late lol.
*Does your happiness come from inside yourself or from other people?inside myself, so many try to put me down but im just a happy kid overall, can say all the trash you want to me, and you won't see me cry about it, im just to happy.
*What keeps you happy? lmao I dunno
*Have you ever put your fist through the wall? heck no im not a psycho
*Who do you blame things on? depends on who the fault is on
*Have you ever been on anti depressants? nope im not mentally fucked up..
*Do you suffer from stress? wtf? that word stress is overated, everyone uses stress as a fucking excuse to piss and moan, seriously, just snap out of it, you'll enjoy life better
*Are you crying on the inside? um no, Im not well fit to be "emo"
*What makes you experience nostalgia? or not
*When was the last time you did something and later asked yourself 'did I do the right thing?'? not talking to todd because he was just confusing me but it was the right thing because I did not need to talk to him to get more and more confused, I needed my space, so I got it and talked to him time after that, to avoid complications.
*What was a choice that you didn't want to make but you had to? matt. thats all I got to say.
*Is there anything you feel unworthy of? nope
*Why does the truth hurt? the truth hurts when you have been lied to so many times and the truth comes out, other than that I can handle the truth on its first time :-D
*When are you the most insecure? I dunno I don't get insecure im not that harsh on myself geeze
*When was the last time you screwed up big time? ouch
*Are you quick to anger? Are you slow to forgive? im getting slower and slower to anger and faster on the forgive

[[Love, Relationships, etc...]]
*Does love come from the brain, the heart or elsewhere? chemicals in your brain
*What is your status? I dunno im so lost lmao..kinda seeing someone here and there you know lol
*Are you lonely? of course not I got my backups lmfao.
*Do you need to be in a relationship to feel good about yourself? Most def not
*What is the cutest thing a guy/girl has done to show they like you? ooh so many awwe :-)
*What do people generally discuss when we talk about love? I dunno?
*Would you rather like your guy/girl more than they like you, or have them like you more? who cares love one love another
*Have you ever cheated on someone? um no..well almost lmao.
*If yes, how did you feel? --
*Have you ever been cheated on? nope?
*If someone cheated on you, do you think they can ever go back to being loyal?maybe
*If someone offered you $1,000 to cheat on your boy/girlfriend, would you do it? ummm no.
*Are your relationships mostly passion or conversation? I dunno lmao
no more time sorry lol.
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