Aug 07, 2007 21:24
So, yesterday, I'm knitting away on the second lacey sock, and I stop to admire it and show Brandon, and tell him I'm probably going to finish it that day. Then, I'm showing him how cool it is that I matched the stripes up so well, and I lay the heel of sock1 up to the heel of sock 2 and stop dead in my tracks. I've done the heel flaps differently. To those who don't knit, that means that since I'm way past the heel and onto the foot part before I decrease for the toe, that I have to pick back an uber amount of yarn and pick up a difficult lacey pattern on one side, and a flat knitted pattern on the other side.
For knitters, I've done on the first sock a repetition of 2 rows: S1, K1, and followed by S1, P1. On the sock I'm working on now, I had done a S1, K1, then S1, Purl to end. Oh yes, this is bad. Because on the first sock, it looks like solid garter stitch, on the second sock, it looks like ribbing. Problem is, I like the ribbing better. BUT, because I'm a perfectionist, I have to pick back to the beginning of the heel flap and start again. I did it today, after resting for a couple of days and trying not to go over to it and tear it up because of how angry I was. And I only did like 7 rows because I was so angry. I think I'm going to go on a knitting binge tomorrow, and just try really hard to knit the whole sock as quickly as I can. I know as soon as it's done, I'll love the socks and wear them all the time, but until they're finished, I'm angry at them. Yes, it is possible to be angry at an inanimate object. Very, very angry.
And my friend Rachel came out to see me today, and we went to downtown Olympia, and went to some of the same places I took Shannon to. We went to the yarn/fabric shop, and Rachel wanted socks, so she bought the yarn and I'm going to knit them for her soon. We briefly looked around the tea shop, then we went in search of caffeine and went to Cafe Vita and got some coffee, and then we went into a yogurty-granola, greener shop that sells herbs and yoga things, and I definately want to go back there. The good news? Rachel now knows where to potentially get some mandrake root, and added a bunch of books to her reading list. =P
Rachel also bought me lunch, and we walked around the lake by the capitol building, then we came home and went swimming in the lake by my place, which is gorgeous btw, it has a dock, lifeguards, everything, and it's wonderful. I'm definately going back. =D
So, I'm off to bed, I'm feeling worn out from the day, to the point where, it's 9:30, and I'm going to probably crash hard. My pillow is calling me. I must go to it.