You can like the life you're living, you can live the life you like...

Sep 14, 2005 21:05

Ophelia just can't mean good things...

Uhm... so I saw myself on pbs and I could have killed the camera man... how many close-ups do I need? I was all haggard from the 10 hr fundraiser outdoors and was adoing a favor for a friend... when I help the Lenape refresh their organic farm over the weekend I am going in a freakin ballgown!

Had an interview today for a magazine to sell advertising to galleries> they know I know everyone and the Pres./ CEO were impressed with me... yay. More mula - they are basically setting me lose on the field now that I have the needia - do I have time for this? hahahahaha Of course NOT. But I'm doing it.

The deli guy next door was so simply nice to me yesterday!... I was getting dinner as usual and I told him to help the next person and give me a bag to wrap things up... he totally made everyone wait while he wrapped up everything perfectly just for me!!! AWWwwwwwww

Got a nice letter from a German artist - Hinrich Schueler who was in town for a few exhibits... he also went out of his way to send me a nice note after I ran into him in the parking lot... Awwwwww

Lastly... Brad Pitt's friend decided to call me after 2 months - "Hi, Tracy... hey things aren't working out with Kristin and I ... and he goes on to elaborate... how about you and I get dinner sometime?" "...I can understand if you don't want to."
LOL* omg... unreal!

I want to go back and banter with a certain bartender... Pirate is not happy there is a better bartender out there than himself...

well I'm going to go work on my art and pass out...
ciao darlings...
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