Mar 24, 2004 21:33
1. You have to pay an extra $30 something to watch dvds on it [special gamecubes and certain dreamcasts can watch dvds for free... at much cheaper prices.]
2. Doesn't have the incredible added-in bonus of playing old titles [as do PS2 and GBA]
3. System life is low. Everyone I know who bought an xbox in their first year has had to replace it; and while some got it free replaced in first year, others have had to spend an extra $200-250 to get it replaced. NO system in history has had such a crappy repair record... even my dreamcast lasted longer. Even my game boy advance that broke on the plane to Chicago lasted longer.
4. The only original game produced for the xbox that's better than anything else out there is Halo. The only reason to have an xbox is to play Halo.
5. Most original games made for xbox [besides Halo] stink to high hell. Azurik? Brute Force? ICK. Plus, with most, you can wait a year, and get it for computer very cheaply. Or you could wait 3 months, and get it for Xbox very VERY cheaply.
6. Nearly all ports from computer or other platforms were only ported to make a buck from all the people that own xbox and nothing else; that is, no features added, no improved graphics, etc...
7. Morrowind, which is quite possibly the only good rpg for xbox, is a crappy port from the PC full of glitches and bugs making it damn near impossible to play on the xbox.
8. All other systems [including Dreamcast which all of you think sucks so much =P] have not excluded against dial up modems; and surprisingly, they've still mainly been lag free.
9. No other system requires you to pay for downloadable content. [wait... only other system to have downloadable content in America was... Dreamcast =P]
10. Every "unique" thing on Xbox was done 4 years ago, cheaper, with better games selection, longer system life, full modability, and a built in web browser: on Sega Dreamcast. [Features include: controller made for big hands, D-pad along with stick, 2 expansion slots in controller, downloadable content]
11. There are still things done by the "crappy" DreamCast that Xbox hasn't dared to try.
13. The shortest warranty of any system ever [except if you pay $60 a year for the extended warranty.]
14. Let me repeat this... ONLY 1 GAME WORTH PLAYING.