Aug 19, 2005 14:16
i am preparing to move out of state again. I'll be finishing out the next two weeks of work here, living at karisa's (which is about 3 miles away and convenient for driving and saving) and then moving in to case's apt. until his lease is broken and/or we work things through and find a place somewhere.
the only concern i have really is that he has a puppy and i have a very old dog. other than that i think this will be bloody wonderful! we're looking for a nice, convenient (yes, i used the word twice. and what a good word it is) city to settle down in that has plenty of public trans. and is rich in creative and gay roots to better fit our lifestyles. he's pretty much satisfied with anywhere we wind up as long as there is plenty of stuff to decorate and plants to landscape - well, that and some pretty boys falling all over him would help :) heh. i personally prefer that it not be a desert and that it be lush and be near a body of water. other than that i am a canvas - paint me.
i interrupt this for a special bulletin: I just totally got picked up by a sweetheart named Ocean. Ha! kinda cheesy, really.... the whole "body of water" thing and then... lol
i think i simpy Have to end this here now. i just don't have a choice.