Jul 29, 2010 16:10
Last night I thought it would be a good idea to watch an episode of Supernatural before bed.
Um, no.
I'm currently re-watching the series for what is my third time, and just started season 2. So I watch the season 2 premiere and then the episode "Everybody Loves A Clown" which in case you didn't know, was the episode that made me freaked out about clowns for life. But I didn't watch it alone, and as much as that psycho "clown" freaks the hell out of me, I got through it and made a point not to look out my windows.
So I get to bed at midnight, and have a series of seriously weird dreams. One of which I think involved a clown. So I wake myself up at 5 AM and can't fall back asleep.
I'm currently so tired, and this cup of coffee just hasn't done it for me.
Lesson learned, never watch Supernatural and then immediately go to bed.
The SYTYCD results show is tonight. As long as Robert, Billy and Lauren are safe tonight I'll be happy. Mainly Robert and Lauren though. Actually, mainly just Robert. haha
Jose and AdéChiké need to go home like, right now. I want those two to go home tonight, but unfortunately I think only Jose will go. And the 2nd will probably be Billy....
bad ideas