and we'll all sing along, we'll all sing along.

Jul 25, 2009 13:04

OK. Here is my recap from my second David Cook show from July 23rd in West Bend.

A couple months ago tickets for this went for sale over the phone. I tried calling for 3 straight hours and didn't get through fast enough to get orange tickets (1st section) and ended up with purple (2nd section). I was so mad about that, and got stressed out about not going to be close enough etc...etc..

I live about an hour from the West Bend area. I had planned on leaving at 3:00 and getting there at 4:00, two hours before the gate to the VIP area opened. Didn't happen. Ended up getting there at 5, and by the time we got a parking spot, paid to get into the fair and walked to where the stage was, it was 5:30. I'm thinking "shit! we're going to end up in the very back row"
6:00 and they started getting people inside. A few minutes later it was our turn. Now obviously we had to be in the purple section, and the first row was full. But second row was pretty empty so we got seats almost toward the center but more on Andy's side. Perfect! It didn't matter that we got there an hour later, we couldn't have gotten much better seats at all considered what we were working with.

So, it ended up being that we were ten rows back from the stage. I really couldn't be happier! I did not expect to get as close as we were, and it was a great spot.

So, an hour and a half to wait before Green River Ordinance got on stage. At around 7:00 me and my sister decided to walk around a little bit and use the restroom before the concert started. Maybe 15 minutes later  we got back and saw that David & band were doing a meet&greet out by a tent behind the stage area for certain people that apparently won some tickets to the M&G, and from where we were sitting we had a perfect view of the whole thing. We walked up closer in the VIP area and took a few pictures of the guys.

By that time security was telling everyone that they needed to get back to their seats, so we did. A few minutes later it was time for Green River Ordinance!! They were fantastic. They are amazing performers and have some really good music. After the first song they got everyone standing on their feet. We continued standing through their whole set after that.
About 3 songs in I saw David walk up to the stage and go into the sound booth. He stayed through the whole set, looking out into the audience and enjoying the music, and even dancing along at times haha. My main attention was on GRO, but once and a while I would glance over and would always see David having fun (while drinking a beer, it appeared). Even Andy was up there (believe I saw Joey and possibly Kyle at one point), and Andy had a video camera and was recording stuff for a few minutes.

Anywho, I had bought GRO's album "Out Of My Hands" on iTunes on Monday to get myself familiar with their music. The two songs that I had fell in love with "Goodbye L.A." and "Endlessly" they ended up playing and I was so happy to hear it live!
They have so much energy. "Endlessly" was gorgeous live, and they had tried to get everyone singing "Goodbye L.A." which was fun.

After they were done they said they would be out by the merchandise tent, and while we walked over there and ended up being just a few feet from the main singer and one of the guitarists, we didn't get to meet them =( Line was too big in front of us and we didn't want to wait too long so that we could get back to our seats.
But as I said earlier, they are gorgeous guys up close and they do have a really great sound and voice. I would certainly recommend them (and their album!)

Alright, so we get back to our seats and wait for David and band.

I'm not exactly sure what time it was (possibly 8:40) and David & band took the stage! Wow. My second time seeing them but....damn! This feeling would never get old.
They opened up with "Kiss On The Neck" (the same as the Green Bay show!) and the energy was amazing! That really got the show going and everyone was so into it. Got quite the extended moan, the whisper....they had us clapping along during the song. It was just amazing.

Second song was "Mr. Sensitive"  ....I absolutely love that song and the way he sings it live.
3rd was "Heroes" and that was amazing.
4th song was "We're Only Honest When We're Sleeping". I've got to hear that song twice already and love it!

The banter was hilarious. Especially before "Lie". I can't remember it exactly right now so I don't want to butcher it, but i'm sure you can find a video of it on YouTube. He said "I'm pretty sure that was the worst segway into a song I've ever done!" haha
The song "Lie" itself?...........there are no words.
See, when I saw this song live in Green Bay, everyone had their cell phone out and the lights were turned off and it was really pretty with the way the song went in the beginning. I've always preferred the live version of this song to the CD version (love the more toned-down beginning)....but THIS?!
Holy crap. I have no words! The beginning....and he sang it partially in A cappella and ohmygod I cried so much! That was the most gorgeous thing I have ever, ever heard! I just stood there watching in awe at what I was hearing.

Alright, so what better song to get the energy back up and make the tears stop than....BAR-BA-SOL?!?!
David said he "wants to see some dancing and some shaking" so that's exactly what we did. I believe it was before this song that he was saying "i love Wisconsin because the summers are perfect for the girls to wear shirts that makes the guys go "woo!" but yet leave a lot to the imagination" then some girl must've gave him a scandalized look because he called her out and said "this girl over here is looking at me like '  what!?!! guys don't really talk like that, do they? '  yeah we do!" haha he was talking in his 'gay-voice' too which I am overly amused at.
Ohh song is just pure sex. He had us count along with him at the beginning too.
No guitar-sex though, which makes me sad. But David did come to our side for the guitar solo so that was a plus!

7th song was "Hot For Teacher". I had already gotten this at Green Bay but wasn't complaining! Especially when David put water in his mouth and spit it out.....yeah that was hot! haha
The whole performance is sexy. And it was hilarious because twice during the song he's like "I wanna see just how loud you guys can get! Not yet, not yet don't scream yet. I'm gonna put my hand up *puts hand up* and when my hand drops I want you guys to scream as loud as you can, alright?! So, watch the the hand...." *hand drops* *loud screaming* *continues the song*
Then a little bit later towards the end he just puts his hand up and wiggles his fingers (it was really funny) then drops his hand again and everyone screams.
I believe it was during this song with Neal's guitar solo that David was throwing guitar pics at him haha (either this song or Declaration)

OK, now everyone who has been reading my journal this past week knows just how badly I wanted to hear "Souvenir" live, right?
Well, uh....I GOT TO HEAR IT LIVE!!!!!!!!
So gorgeous! More gorgeous live than I imagined. My sister who had never heard the song before absolutely loved it.

Next was Declaration. One of my favorite songs. We jumped up and down a lot.

Before I knew it, David was saying his thank-yous and that "we're going to leave you with our current single" D: it felt like they just got on stage!!!!
it was funny though because he was saying how you can buy it on iTunes for .99 then "no, the price it went up now to $1.39 now for the economy. It's to pay for gass for Apple!"
Got to hear "Come Back To Me" for the first time. Beautiful song, everyone was singing along and it was great.
David left the stage before the song was over though so we didn't get to hear the "come back to meeeeeeeeee" at the end =(

So, encore timeee!!!! Everyone is chanting and I actually stood up on my chair and clapped for them to come back. I saw David get back on stage with Kyle on his back!!!!! hahaha it was so funny. David giving Kyle a piggy back ride?!?! i really just want to know why xD

"Light On" was great.

"A Daily Anthem".....oh my god. Tears again. David says thank-you once more. Everyone is swaying along, singing along, David getting emotional......<3 best. thing .ever

Then, it was over =(

Some people were waiting over by the side of the stage for the guys to come out. I was in front so if he would have come out he would have gotten to me, but I really didn't expect them to come out. Saw Kyle walking out though and he waved to us all.
30 minutes later a domino's pizza delivery car pulled up for the guys xD so I knew then that they wouldn't come out. 10 minutes after that security announced they wouldn't come out because they have a schedule and need to leave in a few minutes but we were free to stay and watch them get on the bus lol.
We left though. We didn't need to see them get on the bus...that seemed sort of creepy IMO.

A certain person really needs to get a grip on reality, though. I've never seen her before and no idea who she is, but while we were all waiting out there to see if they were coming out she kept screaming "DAVID! COME SIGN SOME STUFF!"

I wanted to yell at her to shut the fuck up, that he doesn't owe her shit and that she saw the show and that's all she was suppose to get. I didn't though, which I regret. He probably didn't come out because she was out there lol.

ANYWAY. sorry if this recap is shit and boring....I've never written a recap for a concert before and have the tendency to ramble and tell stuff that no one cares about so I'm sorry =P
I did take crappy pictures which I will be posting within the next day or two.

My next concert is September 15th....feels like an eternity!!! but wow. last night was AMAZING and worth everything. i still can't get over it!

band of ultimate hotass, david cook, concert recap, tewer

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