God is good

Jul 15, 2005 13:28

Hey guys!
So I just got back from GoldRush which was pretty much amazing!! God is soo good! That's not something that has come to me through just a high from GoldRush which I'm so thankful for. God has brought me through some things in the last few weeks just kind of teaching me that He is good all the time!! Wow I'm so over whelmed with how God has worked in me!
YAY!! Romania in one week. I'm so excited! I wasn't sure if God really wanted me to go but through a chain of events I'm glad to clearly know that this is what He has planned for me and He is definantly going to use me. What a gift that someone so high chooses to use us when He could do it himself. I can't believe how many times I think i can do something better myself which I can't and it's so hard to say God you're right. but God is perfect and can do it better but chooses to let us be apart of His work. I'm definitely praying for all of you going out to serve the Lord this week and next. Be open! God may be calling you to do something you don't want to do but trust Him cause He has an amazing plan!!
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