Fic: An Evening in June

Sep 21, 2010 20:49

Title: An Evening in June
Author: liebedance 
Beta: none
WIP/Length: complete, 500 words
Pairing/Characters: Lily/James
Rating: PG
Genre: Romance
Summary: For the prompt "If a June night could talk, it would probably boast it invented romance. [Bern Williams]"
Author's Notes: Written for lilyjames_fest Flash Fiction Round

It is the best night of James Potter’s life, and he’s had some good ones. Like that one night in first year with Sirius, when they’d found the kitchens and eaten so much... But, no, that was back almost six years previously now. And, remembering it will only distract him from soaking in every single moment of the perfection that is right now. And James doesn’t want to miss a second of it.

He isn’t sure how he ended up here with Lily, walking around the Hogwarts grounds after hours. But, James doesn’t want to question it. He’s sure that the moment that he doubts Lily’s desire to be here with him, the entire night will dissolve into darkness like a poorly done Patronus. He just tries to appreciate it, relish in the fact that it is just her and him, Lily and James.

There’s nothing physical about it; they aren’t even holding hands. But there’s something unbearably romantic in the walking side by side beneath the glittering stars and the barely present crescent moon. There is unspoiled beauty in the silence that passes between them. So used to fighting with her, James is stunned and delighted by this calm.

He knows that he shouldn’t expect anything from this. He knows that it very well may mean nothing to Lily, that she might not be feeling the current running between them as strongly as he does. But he wants to believe that she does. Because the train leaves tomorrow and then he won’t see her for two months. And, these dark days, so much can happen in two months.

But, as if she is reading his mind, Lily stops walking. James stops to, seemingly unable to go on without her. They are near the edge of the Black Lake and the gentle sound of waves hitting the shore washes over them.

“I’m going to miss you, you know,” she says quietly. She looks up at him through her thick eyelashes, the green of her eyes just barely discernable in the shadows.

“I know,” James answers, turning his own head to look down at her. He feels as though he should be nervous, as though his heart should be racing and his palms should be sweating. But here, with Lily, a sudden feeling of serenity passes through him.

He turns to look back over the dark water. As he feels Lily’s fingers intertwine with his, he knows that, somehow, through all the pain and suffering, there will be light.

genre: romance, harry potter, rating: pg, drabble, pairing: lily/james, fanfiction

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