Mini Series: Through Outside Eyes: The Potters

Sep 18, 2010 17:20

Title: Through Outside Eyes: The Potters
Author: liebedance 
Beta: museme87 
WIP/Length: WIP, 659 words
Pairing/Characters: Lily/James
Rating: PG
Genre: Romance
Warnings: none
Summary: There are always more sides to a story than just one. And sometimes, those looking in from the outside see the progression the best. 
Author's Notes: This was originally a response to the prompt "The story Lily and James from the perspective of either sets of parents" in the Flash Fiction round of lilyjames_fest . But, I've decided to expand upon it and create a series of short ficlets viewing the story of Lily and James through outside eyes.

James was a miracle to say the least. We’d thought that there was no chance that we’d ever have a child. We had been trying for so long to no avail and we weren’t getting any younger. There would be no continuation of the Potter bloodline. Our name, like so many other old pureblood names, would die out. Not that we were concerned with keeping the lineage - we just wanted a little boy or girl to call our own.

We had completely given up on when the Healers told us to expect a son in March of 1960. We hardly believed them at first - our prayers had been answered and we would have our own child. We didn’t’ care that, by the point, some of our friends were thinking about their sons and daughters graduating and marrying. We didn’t care that many couples in our social circle thought we were too old. All we knew was that God had given us this wonderful gift and that we would do anything for him.

James grew up too quickly for our liking. He had so much energy as a child; it was sometimes hard to keep up. But, we did our best. We tried to give him everything that he wanted - within reason. We encouraged his interests (Quidditch, mostly) and praised his good marks from his private tutors. We taught him about loyalty, showed him through demonstration how to love and treat others with respect. And we made sure he knew his ancestry - not to flaunt or elevate himself with, but so that he would know his history and appreciate who the Potters had always been. Bloodlines and purity meant nothing to us, and we tried to instill these beliefs into James.

I believe we succeeded in this. At any rate, he wasn’t discriminatory when it came to choosing friends. That much we could tell from his forged friendships with Peter Pettigrew, Remus Lupin, and, above all, Sirius Black. We were proud of him.

Yes, we received more letters from Minerva than from our son, but his marks were excellent and he wasn’t causing too much harm or engaging in dangerous activities. We would reprimand him slightly when he was home and remind him to behave himself as we sent him off. But, we were too proud of him and too happy that we had him at all to be too stern.

But, nothing made us prouder - not even his making Head Boy - than when he wrote to us about Lily Evans. Of course, we’d heard the name around the manor, especially after his third year. But, when he told us he’d finally gotten her permission to take her out, we were delighted. We knew that Evans was not a pureblood name. When we inquired, James informed us nonchalantly that she was a muggleborn and that he hadn’t mentioned it because it didn’t matter. That was our son: the pureblood who didn’t care about genealogy, but just about love.

And love Lily Evans he did. Every letter from that point on sang her praises. Soon we were hearing more about Lily’s activities and accomplishments than James’. When we finally were able to meet her over the Christmas holidays of James’ seventh year, we knew then that she was going to be The One. We saw the adoration in his eyes and the joy in hers. Every movement and gesture they made spoke of their love. They almost reminded us of ourselves in our courting days.

When James announced that he was going to ask Lily to marry him, we were overjoyed. As we grew to know her as more than just an acquaintance, we accepted her into our family with open arms. Regardless of her blood, she was our newfound daughter: the perfect companion for our James.

As they stood at the alter, their futures ahead of them, we knew that nothing - not even death - could ever force them to part.

mini-series, genre: romance, harry potter, rating: pg, through outside eyes, pairing: lily/james, fanfiction

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