Jun 08, 2004 18:51
Yesterday Andrea came over and we walked around my neighborhood collecting leaves and im sure everyone thought we very strange girls. Then we went to the part and called Justin S to come and pick leaves because they were all covered in cicadas. By the way cicadas are foul horny little creatures. Justin was no help and very cranky since we woke him from his nap. But im sure you dont care about that, neither do I. You know what I do care about though....MY LEARNERS!!!!! I finally went to get my learners and I passed which makes me very excited at this moment. Even the 3 hour wait couldnt have brought me down :)
And in other happy news I think I found a good guy. I dont know him that well but I plan on getting to know him.
Lover of the Day: Emily because she is quite possibly the only reason I passed my test today.
Ocean City in 2 Weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!