Jul 04, 2006 10:09
happy bbq day and all that jazz>>> my keyboard is acting backwards> my cap locks is on right now and when i press period i get arrows>>> weird!
eric and i went to the south hadley fireworks last night & they were pretty damned cool> prolly the best fireworks i"ve ever seen! if i was tripping it would have been intense< because i felt like i was during most of it> then we went to adam mulcahy"s & chilled out there for a bit because he had some people over i saw a couple people from school< and brian and all that jazz> there was a fucking brilliant thunderstorm & johnny cash & the ventures playing on the record player>>> so it was a good evening> today we"re gonna go to my parents & then head to springfield to joe& rashaun"s (spelling??) bbq & such>
we went swimming in huntington and the water was awesome> next week i house sit my aunt & uncles & my parents houses while they all go to maine> woo! pool use and all that hoopla>