New York City was really cool. It was my first time going there, and it was quite the experience. I twittered like hell, which was like, Woah, because I find Twitter kind of...superfluous? Maybe that's just because my life is boring otherwise, so I have nothing to Twitter (or is it "tweet"?) about... Still, back to the trip. I've been kind of wanting to write a Broadway, New York-y AU for a while, but some inspiration hit, along with some help from
panicatthecobra. There's complicated pasts, complicated relations, and an amazing musical with an AMAZING cast.
I gave an oral book report when we came back from the trip, and I did it on Invisible Monsters. My ELA teacher basically flat out told me yesterday that I gave the best presentation because of how I talked about Palahniuk's use of the "Give Me's" and the jumping and adressed the character's PoV's on life. I was/am flattered, but it seemed like something I HAD to point out, to get the essence of the book across. I'm sure the thousand-million others who've read it know what I mean... Though, when I mentioned that there were transgendered people and them taking, like, hormonal-enhancing drugs, there were some snickers. I was like, "Get over yourselves, please."
Brendon is doing Spencer's hair:
And Spencer lets him because he is such a good friend.
And, because, psst, they're secretly in love.