So, I had an /interesting/ experience at work today, (or I should say: On my way to work) but I don't feel like typing it out. Because this morning, I woke up with an ear ache so bad that I couldn't sleep at all and sat around from 5:30-6:30am on
panicatthecobra's couch, yawning and feeling generally like hell because I couldn't lay down if I wanted to. Then Ali's mom gave me magic eardrops and I slept like a baby, kind of. Still, I only got 6 hours of sleep and was totally spacing whilst lifegaurding today, which is not good at all.
So, just like New Perspective, I have a review, and a little side musing on my feelings about both and P!atD as a general whole...
So I got two seconds in and I was like, "Damn," because, holy hell was Ryan Ross born in the wrong generation. I've been developing recently this big collection of a whole bunch of different '60s and '70s classic good old rock - which, I love, for the record, - and this fits in seamlessly. Perfectly. And then there's Ryan's voice, which was made for this shit. I think though, it's a wonderful thing that Ryan - and Jon! - live in our "era of music," because they can ressurect the classics and all of us can kind of hear something like that Live.
I'm still having trouble listening to Panic!'s old music, because it's like, Ryan's words and Brendon's voice, and it just sucks for me? *shrug* But this new stuff, I've got on constant repeat, because duh. I've noticed people are like "I like this better than that," or whatever, and fine, have your opinions, but if people try to compare them, I might go ripshit. That'd be like...comparing MJ and The Beatles. You just don't do it.
Moving on:
Ian Crawford, I'm very much okay with your leaving of The Cab now (:.
Lastly, you might find
this of interest if you're in the mood for some Ryan being a failure who sucks at ignoring his emotions and also sucks at lifegaurding. ;D