There was a FARSCAPE marathon last night. I watched at least five episodes and it was SO VERY cool :) I was sleepy by midnight though. I didn't fight it... because sleep is good, sleep is my friend. My recurring dream of floating leaves paid me a visit again. This time it was part of a longer, more-complicated dream about something or other, but I forget everything now except for the leaves... leaves falling cascading tumbling floating in the air in slow motion, like in movies.
[ The man or woman who invents a machine that can record dreams will become one of the richest persons on the face of this planet. ]
Something woke me up. I think it was Dad laughing. I went downstairs and had breakfast with them. Mom asked me if I was okay and was I going somewhere that they didn't know about... on account of me being up so early on a Saturday that I was actually having breakfast with them. I said no, and Mom said, "GOOD, then you can do the dishes," and they left for work :P
I threw on some clean clothes and went over to Vincent's house. Naturally, he was still in bed sleeping like a baby... pillows everywhere. He was sleeping on his side facing the wall, his shoulders heaving up and down in noiseless rhythm... naked soft skin faintlysaltytothetaste skin kiss touch. Let's hear it for one-track minds :P
I lay next to him, naturally waking him up. "Hey..." he says without turning, body stretching under the sheets. "Hi..." I say. He turns and smiles. "Just a sec..." he says, getting out of the bed to go to the bathroom... not totally naked, white boxers, beautiful. And then he's back and we're being cuddly.
"Your hair still smells of dye. It's smells nice."
"You just like touching it."
"Yeah... cuz it's pretty. You like being touched."
"Yeah... by you."
He traces my lips, my ears. I trace his. He kisses my forehead, my nose. My lips. We made love. Then we spent the rest of the morning watching silly cartoons and CNN and listening to his CDs in bed.
Lately, I've been noticing how songs too can trigger memories... how they sometimes bookmark specific moments. Like yesterday for example in the ice cream shop, "Vincent" came on (you know, Don McLean's song... *waves at Jude*) and I said, "Hey, it's 'your' song." And he said, "Do you remember that day... it was a Saturday... in your room? You played it for me afterwards?" And I was remembering exactly that.
THIS song playing right now reminds me... of an afternoon that ended in a movie with someone I barely knew (but it felt right)... of Valentine's Day, when I just kissed him without really knowing what I was doing or why, only that it felt right and good and perfect. It's a sad song but it reminds me of happy things.