hey .. s0rry guys but that last entry i DiD NOT write nd i have NO idea wh0 did s0 wh0ever y0u are that wr0te it .. y0ur gay nd have n0 life why w0uld y0u g0 messing with my friends .. wuta fag !
LEXi i l0ve y0u hunnie and i w0uld neverr ever delete y0u =] .. that pers0n wh0 did is just gay nd pr0bably jeal0us 0f y0u hehe
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My sweet 16 is next month YAAAAAAAAY lol..And that's awesome you're getting your permit. =P I got mine a few months ago. It's awesome!!
The test is easy, it tells you if you were wrong LOL. No worries. It's usually taken on a computer, and if you've read the handbook then you can most likely do it. Make sure you have an appointment. Also, you can only miss 5 out of each section and there's two sections. I missed like three out of the entire thing, but hey it's all good. =)
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