w0rds that i`m hearing are starting t0 get 0ld

Dec 10, 2004 16:00

hmm im n0t gunna really update here but ya im just b0red nd have n0thing else t0 d0 which is pretty pathetic b kus its a friday night but w|e .. lets just say this week was interesting .. hmm pe0ple are acting different ar0und me kind 0f nd then s0me pe0ple d0nt really talk t0 me any m0re ? .. ya strange but o0h well i`m n0t gunna make a big deal 0ut 0f it any m0re s0 this week i`ve kinda been al0ne but i`m fine b kus ima big girl nd my birthday is wed s0 im just really thinking ab0ut that l0l i mean i d0n`t wanna s0und like i have n0 friends but things are just different n0w f0r s0me reas0n nd it sucks nd high sch0ol sucks i miss when y0ur little nd y0ur friends with every0ne nd every0ne talks t0 wh0ever nd it d0esnt really matter .. i miss th0se days but o0h well i just cant wait t0 be 16 s0 i can drive anywhere nd d0 w|e even if i am by my self at least i w0nt be just sitting at h0me b0red .. this semester is alm0st 0ver nd i h0pe next semester i have a better schedule t0 where i see m0re pe0ple in my day b kus i barely see any0ne any m0re but my luck that w0nt happen =[ but anyways .. hmm i`m pr0bably just gunna g0 t0 my dads h0use 2night nd sit there like a dumbass kus theres n0thing f0r me t0 d0 0n a friday night b kus like i said things changed this week f0r s0me reas0n but w|e .. 2m0rr0w i`m getting my christmas tree b kus thats when my br0ther c0mes h0me fr0m c0llege f0r winter break s0 were getting the tree nd dec0rating it .. then maybe i`ll be in the chrismas spirit s0me m0re o0h ya 2day in 4th bl0ck we g0t 0ur gr0ups f0r the final nd the 0ther 2 pe0ple in my gr0up like d0nt say anything when im trying t0 talk 0ver what were d0ing s0 i d0nt kn0w h0w thats gunna g0 i just want an A 0n it nd then im o0k ..anyways life sucks h0ws y0urs l0l hmm well ima g0 b kus i g0tta pack f0r my dads nd i`m talking t0 the BEAUTiFUL CHRiSSY ! .. hehe i l0ve her .. any ways .. i`ll write when i have the chance .. ttyl .. adi0s <3
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