Nov 24, 2004 14:20
So yea . . i woke up late this morninq . . nine fittyy to be exact !! and i was like OH DAMN !! so i hurried and took like a 3 min shower . . THREW my hair up and RAAANN to down to the gym . . and the damn COPS had the damn ROAD BLOCKED OFF . . so i was so pissed i had to go ALL the way around the block.. man that sucked lol . . i was like 5 mins late . . but it didnt matter since we were just geting our jerseys.. then we went threw some drills and did 4 on 4 on 4 . . then we scrimmaged a lil . . omgosh the begaining of practice we were takin out foul shots and i was doin HORRIBLE . . but then i really was pushin my self and Hodge said today was my best practice yet . . that excited me. . i cant wait until our first game . . woob doo !!! Then Amanda + Catti gave me a ride home . then Andrew and Madisen stalked me for a while . . i took a shower and THEY JUST WALKED RIGHT INTO MY HOUSE. . losers . . yes so now im just like wicked exhausted... hmmm THANKYS GIVING IS TOMORROW!!