Aug 18, 2004 23:50
i wanna update..but nothings really happened.
i worked last week and all weekend.
after work one day and dana went out with chrystina, amber, and amber's friend matt.
matt almost killed us cause he doesnt know how to drive. we went to fridays and than pretty much jus drove aroundd all night. we wanted to go go-karting but it was closed.
monday karin picked up me and dana at my house and we went to the movies with amber and her and tracey to see princess diarys two. it was really good.
tuesday i worked.
and today gabe came over. he woke up early and took the train all the way over here by himself to see me cause he's cool like that =P we hung out at my house most of the dayy cause everyone was working and stuff..and then we went to the mall and met up with donna and walked around. then my dad drove him home.gabe's awesome, i<3him.