Jan 30, 2005 16:48
my weeekend was half great half BLAH ok wel friday ther was sc0ol ofcourse nd ummmm we did absolutley nuthyng it was all nuthyn like in math we got our quizzes nd wel i got a 100! so thats reeli g0od nd um in healther we did nuthyn in spanish nuthyn but we got a lot of hw thenwe had lunch i ate a lidl nd then we went to sciece it was boring like alwaisz um then in english we did work nd notes it suked then in geography they collected money nd we t0ok a map quiz... Ok tHEN NOW THIS IS WEN THE FUN BEGINS!I WENT TO pati's house after sco0l nd like b4 we hung out with the soccr players nd i met oSHAin nd he is sOOOOO SWEEEEEEEEET he gave me a hug nd i did too um then i got a passionate hug from jose it was soooo funi nd i gave juan a dollar nd chris asked for juan but i had no mor =[ i felt bad =[ but yea nd den ummm we stood ther nd all the hot guys were like walkin buy lol nd ummm then i met andre nd he is a sweeeeeeeety pie! ok then we went into mr borja's car nd like we listend to spanish music nd like yea it was fun so we got to her house nd then we went to cara's nd britt was ther nd likewe finali were talkin then i called anais nd i asked her if she cud come nd yea she came nd we ordered pizza nd then we called mike nd asked if we cud all hang out nd we did so we all dressed like sluts nd went to mike's house lol nd so ethan was ther nd gerry nd mike nd ethan goes vanessa ilu nd gyvs me a hug gosh i luv that kidok then we went into his r0om nd like juss sat ther nd then we went to the po0l nd they were like we are guna push u guys in the p0ol blah blah blah nd like they almost did nd then we went runnin out barefoot nd they ran throwin eggs at us it was soo much fun then we stopped nd ethan nd mike were like killing themselves throwin themselves into bushes so then we went bak nd they started bein gay telin us to leave cuz marisa nd lisa nd tori were coming wel it was basicaly gerry so yea they came nd it felt reeeeeeeeeeli weird nd then like we juss sat ther among us then we finali just left nd we were guna go walk to publiz but instead we were guna walk to davids to go into his po0l nd like then he wasnt home so we like walked nd screamed thru the street nd did cartwheels and sang nd guys were beeping at us it was reeeeeeeeeeeli funni then we saw lee nd bronson nd jordon so they were like hey u wwanna hang out with us we were like ok but like lee nd jordon were drunk so like jordon was all like to anais hey do u kno what head is nd then like he was like hey lets go in the bak nd u can gyv me sum nd anais was like no nd BRONSON was reeli cuyte l0l so yea nd then so was lee lee looks like a lidl bbaby soo cuyt l0l umm then we left nd screamed sum more we walked to cara's tho nd like we got ther nd then we left to britt's nd we ate played piano ran around it was fun lol wow.. that was fridai it was crazyyyyyyyyyyy ok lol saturdai we all woke philip made us breakfats wat a cutie! so ya nd then we went online nd ate more nd it was fun then i went to sams club nd bought f0od with mi mom nd dad nd then we went to walmartt nd then came home nd then did nuthyn the rest of the day it was reeli boring then todai sundaiii um i woke up i had cramps ate nd stayed online now i hafta do hw! ughh xoxo
luvs yasz!
xxx vanessa ooo