Jan 23, 2005 16:55
heyy ya guys im updating lol agen took me awile agen but umm me anais nd pati hav been hangin out a lot lately its been reeeli fun nd umm i hav a newwwwwwwwww crush nd he is ooo soo sweet better then mi old crush cuz my old wun was a total ass=] nd he is soooo mean but w.e im ovr it kk umm last weekend um i kinda went skinny dipping it was reeli weird/fun nd weird agen lol nd like we made brownies saw napolean dynamite.. umm im mad at marc.. james tried to kiss me.. um i rode mi bike down a hugee hill nd i thought i wud die nd then like thys weeken anais slept ovr mi casa nd then we went nd rode our bikes to jamie's house nd then we rode bak to pati's nd i slept ovr but anais left =[ nd dom was suppose to come ovr but he didnt =[ hmm nd yea that was basically it .. devin is leavin sooo soon im so mad i reeli dunt want him to leave he is the coolest kid nd he is soo cuyte! but he is leavin! ='''[[[[ ... "im not an elevator gosh" gosh lol NAVIN! ok wel yea imma go now
xoxo nessa mwa*