Oct 31, 2006 10:26
I was pondering upon the holiday today. I was thinking how nice it was when my children were very young and I would dress them up in cosutmes and walk with them as they scurried from house to house trick or treating. In some cases, it carried them, yet another pulled a wagon. In any case, I looked forward to it each year. My children got older and soon, it was not cool to walk with your parents, but instead they were off with their friends, whilst I sat in the car, watching carefully over them. Still yet, they grew again, the costumes became less exotic and more predictable. Now they were running through many neighborhoods with pre-teen friends, gone for a few hours. Then it was the teenage "party" years where they would still costume up, but not go for the traditional "hood" walk.
And then it happens...your children are grown and they choose not to participate. I no longer have children that I need to dress up, and my kids, when they are home will help with the candy dispensing. I suppose Halloween, Christmas and to some degree Easter, can all be used as some sort of growth-o-meter for your kids. When they stop getting into costume, stop believing in Santa and the Easter Bunny, you can pretty much figure that those "cute" days are gone forever.
While we still have Christmas, Hannukah, Easter, Purim, and such...I truly miss those days of Halloween where putting on a costume and begging for candy seemed to be one of the best days of the year, no matter the weather conditions. For all you parents of youngsters...get out there! And bring me back a Kitt-Katt bar!