Events Unfolding.

Nov 16, 2008 13:46

Wow, a lots happened since Friday. Hmm, where do I start. Well, first thing first I guess. Friday started off a bit slow, I had class which went alright. I thought the weekend went by way too fast. Maggie wanted to hang out so we decided to go to Copz Lounge to see some metal bands, and little did I know Josh Hammond was a drummer for one of the bands, I haven't seen him since wow, 3 years, he visited me at work in Hot Topic when I was living in Austin. Good times we had in High School, gladd to see he was happy to see me :) He hasnb't changed a bit.
So it was us girls obviously acting like a bunch of drunkards <3 Lets see, Me, Maggie, Jenna, Michelle, and Nicole. Geez we attract so much attention it's funny :) After the bands played they all headed to our table +some which was a lot of fun. So so many people I haven't seen in a while. Ended up bumping in Kenneth, which at first I was kinda like, "hmpf w/e". He wanted to talk, so we went outside, and we just spilled our guts out, it was wierd, just like in the movies. You know two people start talking and hit it off, then they just don't talk to each other anymore but still have great feelings for each other, and can't help it anymore, and fate just brings them together again? Yeah, well after about a month me and Ken are back together, and im soooooo happy. Before wasn't as great because I know he had a lot on his plate with him wanting to move away for aviation, which is understandable, I just didn't want to be lead on. He has a lot of wieght off of him, and things were just so right after we talked that night, he wanted me to go to his get together to celebrate his aviation license and for some UFC fighting. So I went (it was last night) and I brought his favorite beer <3 Bohemian Shiner Black ^.^ All his friends were there and it was fun and relaxing. I just never thought it would feel soo right, I mean you have your moments in relatioinships that you think it's right, and you think it's the best... but this is just really intense, it's home, it feels right, and great. I'm comfortable, it's scarey... those were the exact words he told me last night, and it's true. It's so comfortable, it's scarey. For once in my life, I'm proud to say, that I'm with this guy because he's everything I like in a guy. He's doing something in his life, he knows what he wants and he's going for it. He's smart, creative, social, a badass (lol), and just amazing :) He's definately a keeper *wink wink* and definately someone I can take home to mom and dad. :P
Anyway, enough of this mushy stuff... back to reality.
Sigh, Maggie, oh Maggie. So that night at Copz, I left around 1am and the girls stayed behind. I woke up and read my Myspace messages and one from Jenna telling me to give her a call because it was about Maggie, and my first thought was omg she got into a car accident. Luckly turns out she was fine, but just not quite. Maggie got pulled over that night and got a DUI. This isn't good. 1.) because she's getting her medical assistance certificate in two weeks, and with a DUI on her record she CANT work in the medical field. and 2.) she's on probation, minimum jail time is 6 month. I'm just hoping some way or another this whole thing will get dismissed. This is just horrible, I just can't picture myself away from Maggie, ever. I just want some sort of miricle to happen, she's an awesome girl and she doesn't deserve this. I'm sure you're saying "well, she did it to herself" but we all have our faults. I just don't want anything to happen to her :( She's worked so hard to get on the track she's on, and for it to just be thrown, just doesn't seem right, right now. Like, this can't just be it. Sigh. I don't know.
Other than all of that, I think things seems to be going okay, I have two tests coming up, and I just have Sunday and Monday to study and work on it. So It's crunch time from here on out. It's getting to the end of the semester and things have been fantastic. Things have turned out way better then I could have ever imagined, and I'm thankful to have a smooth semester and social life. lol. I've lost a lot more weight and im just happier, im getting to my goal and that's all the matters.

Well, I need to be off because the mother an I are going shopping again <3
So, until next time.
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