yet another survey...

Jan 02, 2005 15:21

basics. . .
[Name] jamie
[Nickname] j-me (haha), jamielynn (elisa), thats it
[Screen name] liiddlexcupcake
[Birthday] july 10th
[Age] 15
[Location] millbury
[Sexual Preference] guys
[Marital Status] single, i want him back tho
[Religion] protestant
[Eye color] blue, grey, green *they change*
[Height] 5'6"?
[Shoe size] 8 1/2- 9
[Parents still together] nope.. but its better that way :)
[Siblings] 1 brother, 2 step brothers, and a step sister
[Nieces/Nephews] 3 nephews, 1 niece
[Pets] 2 dogs, cat, fish, snake
[In school/graduated] sophomore in highschool
[What do you drive] not 16 yet...

[Color] pink and black
[Number] 9
[Animal] bunnies?
[Vehicle] who cares?
[Flower] yellow rose
[Scent] still... j-lo
[Drinks] soda *not rootbeer ick*, beer, smirnof, i dont know?
[Book] i hate reading.. the only book i really got into was *the child called it*
[Band] dashboard confessional
[Song] so many

DO YOU . . .
[Color your hair?] yes... unfortunatly
[Twirl your hair?] nope dont think so
[Have tattoos?] ehh sort of... its a stupid one :/
[Have Piercings?] ears, belly button, nose still kinda, tongue
[Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both?] no
[Cheat on tests/homework?] ehh been caught a few times so i have to admit it
[Drink/Smoke?] yepp ;)
[ Like roller coasters?] i LOVE em'
[Wish you could live somewhere else?] if it wasnt for the drama i would prolly love it here...
[Want more piercings?] oh yeh.. im addicted
[Like cleaning?] only when im really mad and i cant leave
[Write in cursive or print?] print
[Sweat a lot?] ehh... not usually
[Own a web cam?] nope
[Know how to drive?] of course... it isnt that hard
[Diet?] def not...
[Own a cell phone?] yess...
[Ever get off the damn computer?] yeh when i go out... other wise i have nothing better to do

[Gotten a speeding ticket?] no i dont have my license
[Been in a wreck?] well yeh but i didnt cause it :)
[Been arrested?] never been caught bitches!!
[Been in a fist fight?] ehh... no
[Kicked someone in the nuts?] only my brother.. and that was before i knew that its wicked mean.. i would never do it to a guy unless i was being attacked..
[Stolen anything?] oh yeah
[Held a gun?} yepp :)...
[Drank?] obviously
[Been so drunk you couldn't remember your name?] no i dont think so
[Considered a life of crime?] ehh... if drug dealings a life of crime then i guess
[Considered being a hooker?] never thats gross
[Cheated on someone? ] ummm... not really
[Cried over a girl?] yes
[Cried over a boy?] of course...
[Lied to someone?] of course...
[Been in love?] eh... its confusing
[Fallen for your best friend?] kinda... neighbor
[Made out with JUST a friend?] YES!!
[Been rejected?] yepp :(
[Been in lust?] oh yeh... :)
[Used someone?] ehhh... yeh :(
[Been used?] deffinetly... thanks! :)
[Been cheated on?] not that i know of..
[Experimented with homosexuality?] ummm... lol... its a secret

[Current mood] bored!
[Current taste] tooth paste
[Current hair] down... straight
[Current thing I ought to be doing] going out... smoking a cigarette... seeing tony cuz hes moving... eating.. so many things
[Current cds in stereo] encore.. mixes..
[Current crush] tony... ralph still a little
[Current job] no job... im free!!

[Last book you read] i dont read im just supposed to
[Last movie you saw] napoleon dynamite
[Last thing you ate] salad yumm
[Last person you talked to on the phone] my mommy

DO YOU . . .
[Do drugs?] yes..
[Have a dream that keeps coming back?] yeh and its wicked annoying!!
[Play an instrument?] no way
[Believe there is life on other planets?] who cares?
[Remember your first love?] .. eh?
[Still love him/her?] im just confused
[Read the newspaper?] nope
[Have any gay or lesbian friends?] haha yeh i love gay guys they are so cute
[Believe in miracles?] depends
[Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?] depends on who you are...
[Consider yourself tolerant of others?] no i get annoyed easy... if thats what this question means?
[Consider love a mistake?] not if its true
[Have a favorite candy?] anything cherry ;)
[Believe in astrology?] deffinetly
[Believe in magic?] ehh.. kinda
[Believe in God?] yeh..
[Do well in school?] sometimes... when i try
[Go to or plan to go to college] def...
[Wear hats?] yeh.. im gangster lol
[Hate yourself?] sometimes... and at other times im ok with who i am
[Have an obsession?] ehh.. i have
[Have a secret crush?] no i dont like to keep secrets
[Do they know yet?] ...
[Collect anything?] nope
[Have a best friend?] yes...
[Close friends?] of course..
[Like your handwriting?] no way
[Care about looks?] myself yes... others not really

LOVE LiFE. . .
[First crush] some kid billy lol? i dont remember
[First kiss] that kid billy
[single or attached?] attached..
[Ever been in love?] not sure..
[Do you believe in love at first sight?] nope
[Do you believe in "the one?"] yes
[Describe your ideal significant other] not sure..

[Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?] yeh but that shits gay..
[Are you a tease?] i hope not...
[Shy to make the first move?] depends..

ARE YOU A . . .
[Wuss] dont think so... depends on what is going on
[Druggy] ehh... not really
[Daydreamer] sometimes
[Freak] of course :)
[Dork] yepp
[Bitch/Asshole] sometimes... dont mean it most of the time
[Brat] of course..
[Sarcastic] always..
[Angel] yeh right
[Devil] ehh... not that bad
[Shy] can be
[Talkative] sorta
[Flirty] ehh... ?

[Bestfriend-s-] dont know? elisa deff! i love you baby!!
[Close friends] elisa..samm..eizla...britt...cassandra... jozlin..mackenzie *sorta growing appart* sasset...steve.. tony.. glenn.. ashley...marc.. shane.. more but who cares..
[Funniest] elisa and glenn
[Skinniest] elisa... sorry :(
[Most Outgoing] ehh most of em lol
[Smartest] glenn?
[Biggest Poser] jozlin haha... she wants to be black?
[Preppiest] mackenzie
[Most Creative] sasset
[Most Annoying] marc.. but only because he has to be around ashley 24/7
[Most Caring] they all are in there own way
[Smells Best] samm
[Best Dressed] cassandra
[Most Like You] elisa haha
[Known Longest] eizla and elisa
[First real Friend] eizla
[One You Couldnt Live Without] all of them... they keep me going

*yay im finally done*
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