Feb 18, 2005 09:56
BOTB last night was awesome. Got there about 3 and a half hours before the show with Krysten and Christen. Hung out with Cyntia and her friend Brit. Helped Chris fold the programs that he printed...took forever, but at least i wasnt bored. Chris asked Mr Janszen if he could get me a 303 pass, and less than a minute later, John from Cow came over and put one around my neck. ((THANKS JOHN!))
Sold my ticket to Erica for $5, cuz i didn need it and figured i could get my money back from someone else. Then went into the show and sat on the floor with Krysten right in front of Jetta Joe and Patty.
The first two bands sucked....except for Cj. He was greatt! No Reason was one of my favorites. They rocked so hard, they blew the power. Then Afferent went on...they were my other fave. Cow was okay....they were kinda off though. Jared was hott!!! Starro was so adorable when he shout out to his girl. Aww...
The show this year was really good. Except the second band, which totally BLEW!!
Got to chill with the coolest people in the world. Crystal, Jenn, Jen, Steph, Vinny, Bitch Mike, Eddie, Stephanie, Cowboy, John from Cow, Cyntia, Chaz, Jetta Joe, Patty, Amanda, JayJay, Amanda, Jared, Brandie, Keeghan, Jason, Niko, Kenzie, Rena, Bobby, Seemer, Lil Joe, Drummer Joe, Jordan, Starro, Adora, Jessi, Alexis, Brianna, Chris Ciofalo, Chris Muro, Joe Muro, Kamil, Afferent John, Nick and Ant Vezzuto, Cj, Rob, Samm Cataldo, Erica, Henry, Lori, Paul, Natalie, Nikki, Dj, Lenny, Danny from No Reason, Jack, Amy, etc, etc, etc.... it was just a lot of fun.
The worst part about the show??? Seeing Sonja's parents there. I hugged her mom and dad, talked to her mom for a bit, then went back into the auditorium...sat in front of Jetta Joe again, and cried.
That sucked.