Jul 29, 2005 13:45
Well, since I have some time on my hands I figured I would give an update for the hell of it. This summer so far I must say has been one of the best summers that I have ever had. For most of the summer and for the rest of the summer I have been spending my time in Quincy at my Dad's house. This is where all my good close friends are and I don't think I would be here right now if it wasn't for some of them. You guys know who you are =). I needed to get out of Everett for a little while and I think most people that live in Everett that have a chance to get the hell out for a while would jump at that chance. I really havn't been up to much. Just the usual hanging out with friends, walking around on those nice cool summer nights, having your little summer crushes and such. Its been great. Drinking once and a while of course l0l. I have so many great memories of this summer already. I love it. I decided that I am going back to EHS. It sucks but I really don't want to switch schools again. That would suck big time. But I'm going to see how the first term at my school goes and if I don't like it. North Quincy High School here I come.
Now there is some things I would like to get out right now. There is this one person in Quincy that hates me for some reason that I truely don't know what the hell I did to you. You just stop talking to me and that really pissed me off. I mean I havn't done shit to you. I have been there for you sometimes when nody else was and you have done the same for me. I was actually hurt and really pissed off when I wasnt invited to your "surprise" birthday party. I don't know I would love to talk to you in person about this but I never see you. I don't want to talk about it over the phone or on AIM. This would be best to do in person. But thats enought said about that.
In other news one of my favorite people ever passed her roadtest so CONGRATS NOLA! I LOVE YOU BUDDY! l0l
Martin your roadtest is in like 3 weeks not even and you will do great! l0l.
Well thats it for now kids. Leave me some love.