31 May 2020
So. COVID, COVID, COVID. LiveJournal in a time of plague. Frankly, I haven’t been writing anything because first I’d have to explain to the future about this entire pandemic.
However, we’re still talking about the 1918 pandemic, so I’m going to assume memory.
Per my title, I’ve been singing Life During Wartime under my breath since
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It's been interesting ~ I was watching the protesters and looters simultaneously and it was very clear both groups were well planned out and had spotters and backups or backup plans....
The racists and alt - right folks of course, try to blame the looting on the protesters because that fits their narrative (uppity n*66ers etc.) but here where I live in the Ghetto, things have been pretty quiet .
A small skirmish between the local bloods & crips took place on our garage and fence, we're in 111th street and one gang is on 107th and the other 120th so we're sandwiched in the middle, they decided to do a bunch of tagging in broad daylight...
Shirley's scared shitless between the covid-19 (she's 78 Y.O. now) and the looters but no stores right at hand got looted so I think we'll be O.K. .
I've been taking out two young Foster boys out and about occasionally, I go no where near any hot spots, I just want to aleive their serious cabin fever .
My middle sister lives in Silver Springs Md. and hasn't gone out in well over a month, she and her hubby order groceries from some store and hide under the bed .
I got to see my new(ish) grand son and 7 Y.O. grand daughter last week, the park was empty so we picnicked and then I spent some time walking with my grand son and tossing a beach ball with my grand daughter .
I'm riding my little Honda Motocycle here and there but again, no where near the police department where I used to work nor city hall although I'd like to go see what's what, I'm not young and strong anymore so prudence is the better part of valor I think .
(edited 8.12.20 because of spelling and other errors)
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