Feb 17, 2020 17:29
17 February 2020
Blab naggit. I have been foiled by Apple, once again.
So, I had iTunes on the old desktop, which is sufficiently senior that there’s no way to connect it wirelessly. We got a new laptop (OK, three years ago. Your laptop is a month old? Well, that's great, If you could use a nice, heavy paperweight) I wanted to transfer my iTunes library (11,000 songs deep). I asked the google. I asked Wiley, who knows stuff. I went to the Apple site. I did, or tried to do, what they advised me. I simply could not copy the damn library to an external drive.
(Before you ask, I did try to download everything onto the new, more capacious iPod, but the version on the desktop is also old, so it won’t talk to the iPod or update the version.)
So I’m doing exactly what I didn’t want to do - loading everything, CD by CD, onto the new machine. Better than 550 CDs (I’m up to Philip Glass). Not to mention all of the material I don’t have CDs for - borrowed, bought, downloaded, found. So far I’ve pulled a couple hundred more albums off the old machine, and have yet to start the hundreds of single songs I’ll have to make lists of so I know what I’m transferring.
At least I’m getting plenty of reading done as I wait for bits to scamper.