Mar 25, 2005 20:56
heyy guyss ! well its spring break andd its fun i guess youu can sayy ..
mostly ive been hanging out w/ my fam .. not alot of time w/ the friends..=[ !
but anyways , my cousins aunts and uncles live in texas so i dont see them alot so yeah..
me and brian are going back out .. i love this child =] he and scott both came over yesterday and we watchedd a moviee =] l0tss of fun , till my sis walkedd in on me and brian .. not in the best position..haha anyways she said she didnt see anything =]
jessiee my loverr is @ taryn's lake house and i misss herrr ! i hope yourr having fun jessie ! getting a tan , learning how to ride a jetski , knee boarding and all the fun stuff while i sit home =/ youu lucky bitch ! lol jk mucho0 luvv
tomorrow HOPEFULLYY , me and brian are gonna do something cuzz hiss cousin is down from ny =/
i havee a majorr cold =/ it suxxxsss !
i changedd my lj layout..hopee you <33 it =]