Mar 16, 2005 18:27
well yesterday I didnt write because I didnt feel like it. I had to work and it was just a horible day all together..dont feel like going in to it but it was BAD. Anyways toda was a really good day! My math grade has gone up alot which is great. Study hall was so boring. French was insane we did was so weird. He had such a stick up his ass today. but really all my classes were so boring today. OMG we had this test in e.scince and it was so fuckin hard. I had no idea about the test and we werent allowed to work with anyone. I was mad at mr.greenI skipped gym today. Thats nonthing new. I do that alot. hm..I think I will Friday too..maybe? ugh I hate julianna. she talks to much shit. I asked her why she was talking shit and she is so pussy she said she wasent and she would never talk shit on me cuz she likes ass fuck her. My ltl bitches on the bus told me about the day the alarm went off the was like "it must of been the slut alarm" lol shes so fucking dumb like seriously just grow up. She is just so nasty and gross ..a fat hillbilly redneck. lol anyways I was going to go to the city tomorrow but there is no point because of work..I have to be there at 2;30 to like 8;30 or some shit like that. So there is no point ot leave the city so early. ughh and now Alexa is quiting..shit it gonna be so crazzyy again! Just when shit gets alright it gets fucked up. I dont think it could ever be as bad as last and kelly in charge ..hah what a night!damn I have this feeling that its going to be so crazy crowded at work tomorrow and it's just me and Candice. I swear if she calls out I'll be so pissed and I'll be all alone at work and that wont be good cuz its going to be so packed. That will be fucked up if she does for real. At least tomorrow I get paid.omg I think I'm finally not sick anymore or I got rid of like all my allergies. I coulnt breath at all. It was gross. Adam laughed at the way I breath but he did it funny. I love him soo much! Anyways I'm going to go...