Mar 06, 2005 03:03
hah its 3in the moring and I'm up on this damn thing. nah it's cuz I'm WIDE awake idk wtf is wrong with me. I'm not tired at all.I had a good day at work. It was just me and kelly up front cuz alexa called in sick. it was straight though. I had such a fun night with Kelly. I love working with that gurl cuz we get are shit done right away. We do the whole fucking store and dont fool around tyll its done. That takes us about an hour to get everything done then we fuck around for the last 4 or 5 hours. haha ppl were crazyy tonight up at KEYFOODS. I was talking mad shit on ppl to my boss and she was rollin hah, it was crazy. Then Kelly thought this kid was hot and he was with his boys and she thought they left so she was like "lizzle (thats my nickname) dem boys was fyne they could give me a holla anytime" and lmao they were right behind her HAHA but damn let me find out kellys a WANNA BE gangsterrrr. lol shes funny though. If Alexa calls in tommrow I work with kel but idk if Alexa is who knows. Yo to many guys be hitting on me at work I dont like that shit. cuz I got a man. This one guy pissed me off so i was sayin i had to go on break and shit so I left and kel wasl like shes only 16 and she got a man so u gots no chance.GOOD i was glad that she did that. Anyways I had a good talk with my baby tonight. i love him sooo much and I know he feels the same for me. I will never question that shit. He makes me soo happy. I've known for a while well not that long like a week that if I go to BOCES I will have to go in the afternoon and I knew that he wanted to go in the morning so i would NEVER see him not even outta school cuz i work like crazy. that shit made me mad sad.but he said he'll go to afternoon to be with me. I'm glad cuz now I can see my baby but I feel bad cuz I know he wanted to go to moring cuz u come back at like 3 or some shit if he changes his mind its 100% ok with me but I would love to go with him. Anyways I'm gettin a ltl tired now so I'm gonna go to bed