Jun 23, 2004 01:15
heyy everybOdy wussup nm here...well yeah tonight me and sarah went to danielle`s party shes turnin da BIG *15* lol it was crazii cuz @ there house they have these cOw nD chiCKen suits dat bLow uPp nD david nD markey put dem on and ran arOund da fukin neighbOrhOod like that ahah there crazii nD everyb0dy was dancin around her living room doin da electric slide and da chickin danCe lol all da adults there had a LIL bit too much too drink ha on da way home from danielles sarahs mOm haD toO dRive hOme cuz her dad was too drunk haha nD her dad kept playin arOund wit me and sarah nD david he kept tryin too tickle us nd he kept chasin uss around da house nd shit it was whOa but yeah nOw im talkin on da phOne wit qlen ..i feel soo bad fOr jeFf hes still loCked uPp ..=\ hiz bOnd is 20,000 $$ DAs aLoT! 0f fukin mOney GLEN JUS ELECTRICUTED<-- HOWEVA U SPELL IT HIMSELF HAHAwOowoWwo ok nwayz ii wana cheap slushie yep. =) newayz im out fuckerzz..=) hOlla..xOoOoOo
<33 ERIN
i l0ve cheap cherry slushies .
sarah n arrin BFFL
MaX nD sArAh AAF!!