Jun 01, 2004 00:41
hey ..wussa ppl nm here ..b0red..jus g0t hOme fr0m mii mamiiz w0rk..i was chillen wit delano and pat and all hiz 0tha lil friendz cuz they was 0n there lunch break..only sarah wOuld kn0 bout ->delanO<- haaha w0w hes da best ..he d0es s0 much fa me ..= ) yeah well mii day was qoin fyne until mii friend carOlina told me dat nicole (( MII FRIEND )) that she q0z out wit qlen ..(( DA BOII IM LIKE IN L0VE WIT)) wen she said dat i fukkin started cryin and jus ran out sarahs RoOm i was s0o0o sad/mad ugh!! there werent evan w0rds t0 describe h0w i felt..0mq jus thinkin bout it makes me feel like cryin ..carO knew ii liked him she cOuld have t0ld nicOle that i liekd him and mayb she woUld have been like na cuz mii hOmegurl erin likes u al0t but na she aint d0 that ..jus totally let dem qo out and tha funny thing is DIZ IZ DER FISRT TIME CHILLEN !!!!!!! AND TO TOP IT 0FF HE ASKED HER OUT WEN HE WAS GOIN WIT DIZ GURL JESSICA FROM MII SCHOOL!! O0O U BETA BELIVE GLEN IZ PLAYIN HER ASS..I CAN BET 0N IT ..nD u kn0 ima g0 upp t0 jessica and be like ya man is cheatin 0n u ..cuz yeah das fucked up w/e TOO MANY FAKE ASS PPL IN DIZ W0RLD!!deres only a few wh0 i can trust and th0se ppl are -->lOka,SaRaH,P`Nut,Ash,<-- das abOut it !! yea ii fOund out abOut al0t 0f shit t0day wit pPl t00oo0o0o much inf0 i needed therapy afta i heard about X Nd christi..wHoA WhOA !!! LMAO yeah well ima q0 ..g0tta get up f0 skOol ..`xOo
<33 E R I N
i still like qlen ..sadly..
steadyy thraShiin y0uu h0eSz
Erin b Str8 runnin yall puszi pullin h0esz
lil bitchez be talkin shyt behind ya back
but a real phemale be like - yeh i sed dat