
Apr 12, 2004 20:36

hey pplz ..im sO piissed 0ff t0mmar0w is tHa fiiRsT dAy baKk frOm SpriNq bReAk eRrR GrEaT q0tta q0 bakk t0 bOrinq asS sChoOl..newayz i DiD`t d0o muCh t0daii i went t0 sarahs arOund 2 nD we chilled there f0r a lil and then walKed t0 MiCky D`z wit LinDsEy<< HaHa thAt Grl is so0o fuqin crazii..lol yeah nD when we were there sarah jumps up s0o muthafuqin hiGh cuz she saw danny lol w0w hes really fyne and all hiz lil friends there really immature especially when there arOund grLz [[megan]] HaHa yeah well then we walked t0 tha Park and met up wit r0nnie nD` tank and we jus chilled there f0r a lil and then we left nD walked baq t0 sarahz and then i went hOme i had a really bad headache i felt like dyiin yeah im s0 b0red right n0w ..man this whOle thinq with me and sarah bOth liken thOmas is s0 ughhh!! its gettin t0 tha pOint where its stupid ..i kn0 i liked him l0nqier then she did but that d0nt really matter all these ppl are yellin at sarah sayiin shes fuqed up f0r dOin that ..i dunOo w/e ii wish there was suttin i cOuld d0 about this shyt but there isnt..to0 much DRAMA these dayz..uGhH w/e i aint g0t nuttin else t0 say s0 yeah ..buh byez

<33 eRiN

ii lOve thOmas!!
i wana be tha Only hand
u need t0 hOld oN tO

rEpPiN TaStY uNiT tO tHa fUlLeSt`
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