Sep 29, 2004 15:47 is definetly the best day of my week so far.
before school, i had a meeting today but only me and jill were there. we just looked over the ideas from yesterdays meeting during the announcement period and we got some really great ideas from the ppl who came yesterday
history * more ppl talked about their posters
chem * talked about periodic table , almost fell asleep
english * got the book macbeth. it seems s0o much better than romeo and juliet thank god. my part is duncan - i think hes the king or something.
spanish * mr. gonzalez cooed like a baby ... weird
gym * whiffle ball .. liz was absent so there were only 3 girls on our team. so me and lee had to go up so many more times cuz its in boy girl order
math * wow. i`m retarded. the phone rang in our class and it was a secretary in the office who needed to talk to me so ms. merloe gave me the phone and the secretary said "jacqueline" just the way my mom would so i go "mom??" and secretary was like "umm no this is the secretary. u need to come to the office" and i was like oh wait...and the whole class and student teacher were like hysterically laughing oh man it was so embarrassing. and then i get to the office and go to the lady "i`m sorry for calling you mom" she mustve thought i was insane =P
tv * finished our first project! that was reallyy fun
s0o yeah tonite im going out to dinner for my birthday finally!! i couldnt go out other days cuz of dance classes//yom kippur.
g2g do homework. comment pleese =)
<3 jackie