Feb 26, 2004 01:26
I truly feel that God is raising up His chosen generation. The generation that is going to light the world on fire with a passion for The Passionate ONE. In the last few days I have seen a spark in so mahy people. That spark is growing to a flame. I pray that these flames will turn into a Holy roar for that furtherance of the Gospel. I am so excited about the movie The Passion Of The Christ. I pray that it will ignite a fire in the lives of saved people to become Christians. A common misconception is that if your saved you are a Christian. Thats not true. Christian is a word that means little Christs or like Christ. Christianity is your decision and what you do about it. Its your testimony. Did you know that this term was originally used as a derogitory term(a put-down)like the phrase "Jesus Freaks" It was used as an insult, but the Christians before us refused to let it get them down. Inturn they picked it up and ran with it. Im tired of sitting around and asking God to send someone so that I can minister to them. I'm ready to seek out the lost. Jesus came TO SEEK and to save that which was lost. They didn't always come to Him. Some did, but not all. Thats how our lives are. Sometimes people are going to search us out to know about this man that raises so much contravercy, but what about the rest of the time. Are we seriosly satisfied living in our "Christian" bubble. This to the future Chritian leaders of our world...How do you expect to lead people somewhere you are not going yourself? I mean that spiritually. How do you expect to pastor a church or a youth group to be on fire for Christ when you aren't willing to tell people about Him. When you aren't willing to see, and I mean really see the World as He sees it. LOST and CONDEMED. Without Christ thier is no life worth living and we as Christians have become so selfish in that we keep this truth to ourselves when there are BILLIONS who have yet to hear. If we really believed in the biblical Hell we wouldn't be so lazy. I am just as guilty. I dont take oppertunities, and I dont say the right things sometimes. Lets pray that God will enlarge our territories and that He would bless us with souls coming to know Christ. Lets not get lax in our Faith, lets "Fight the Good fight"When your life is over what kind of legacy will you be leaving. We don't have as much time as we think we do. Time is most definately of the essance. Today is the day of Salvation. Forget the fear of rejection. YOU WILL BE REJECTED! There I cured you. It's inevitable. Christians have been rejected since the begining. We as American's dont have nearly the same penalty. What are we affraid will be hurt?...Our pride. Well good. pride isn't good anyways. "Blessed are those who are persecuted because of rightousness, for thiers is the kingdom of heaven."Mathew5:10 Let us stand up and say " I cannot but speek the things which I have seen and heard" If you decide to be ratical drop a comment we'll keep eachother accoutable. Pressin on....