Nov 18, 2004 13:15
There once was a ninja. He liked to sneak into peoples houses while they were away and poop in their beds. He called this patented move the "Shit in a blanket." Needless to say, this caused mass confusion among the people it happened to, often leading to massive orgies of killing. One day the mayor of the town decided something had to be done, but that would require getting out of his chair which was pulled up to his desk filled with $100 dollar bills, so he decided against it. Then one night a massive rift opened in the earth, swallowing town hall and the mayor with it. "Oranges!" the mayor shouted as he plummeted to his death. Suddenly the ninja appeared at the side of the rift. With a mighty scoop and a great heave, the ninja grabbed a pile of poo from his undies and flung it at the mayor. Suddenly the mayor turned into a dragon. "Aahhh, we got you now ninja poop guy," said the dragon mayor. The ninja cringed and assumed the fetal position, knowing all was lost. Suddenly the us army showed up with tanks and nuclear weapons and fired barrels of poo at the dragon. "Nooo, I'm melting!!" The dragon cried as he plummeted to the ground. A huge coud of dust flew upas the dragon hit, and when the dust cleared, in the dragons place stood a mighty steel rivet tree. "Huzzah," Cried the noble warriors, a feast would be had tonight. Mr. Ninja got a medal of honor for his brave poo fling, and now you can see a pewter statue standing in the middle of town hall, made to comemmerate that event. To this day, it is rumored that this famed ninja still poops in peoples beds. Perhaps he will poop in yours tonight.
I really want to go home. Seriously, what the hell am I even talking about, a ninja that poops in peoples beds? What the hell?