Jan 05, 2007 23:57
oh man. why am i still awake??
it's about 11:42 and i'm baking cookies. cookies!! at f***ing midnight. ::sigh:: they're part of some belated gifts for certain ppl at church. i'm totally kicking myself for not doing it earlier in the week. i WAS planning to do it this afternoon but i had so many other things to do i just couldn't fit it in...and on top of it all, the youth vespers was at my place today so i had to prepare for that.
so much for Sabbath being a day of rest. *mirthless laugh*.
AND...to top it all off...i've had the soundtrack for Evita playing in my head for the past hour...why?? it's madness...
whoops! gotta go. the batch in the oven is almost ready.