- If you have an idea or suggestion for LJ Spotlight, send an email to LJ_Spotlight@livejournal.com. Due to the high volume of suggestions we get, we will not be able to respond to your emails individually, but we appreciate your suggestions!
- Please follow these submission guidelines:
--- Username or community name
--- Name of journal/community
--- Main URL of the journal/community - or -
--- Specific URL (if it’s a specific post you liked, a news story, etc.)
--- Quick description of journal/community/post (50 words or less, preferably)
--- Tell everyone why you found it interesting (this should be genuine and personal)
--- Tell everyone how this person is using LJ in a unique or compelling way
--- Are you the journal/community owner? Y/N - or - did you get permission from them to submit to LJ_Spotlight? Y/N
--- If we select this journal/community/post for the LJ homepage, do we have permission from the owner to show a screenshot and URL? Y/N
Do it for my community
kilometrosThanks. :)