dsfdsfsadlkfhdsf *keyboard smash*
So I was totally bummed about not going to MAGfest this year. I didn't go mostly because I got proposed to and my car is about ready to bite the dust so my brain went into "ZOMG RESPONISBILITY MODE" which I promptly fucked up the ass with donating money during the TGWTG charity drive. So this whole regret thing really started to creep in because I was missing out on SOOOOOOO much and I had a couple of emo fits here and there about it. Friends were giving me hugs from me to him. (And now "From Me to You" is stuck in my head, Beatles for all occasions... ALWAYS!)
Then this morning I wake up to recieve this on twitter from the lovely FreyaMau. :3
Click to view
..... WORDS. NONE. Well, okay some. It's like.... you ever see those old Looney Tunes cartoons where like a character is totally smitten and he's all "doooooooooooohhhhhhhh *turns red* derp". Yeah I looked similiar to that. And then I made this face: 8DDDDDDDDD
However what I love best about the video is "Scarlett's not gonna see this right?" XD
I'm kinda reminded of that Coffee Talk sketch from SNL when Barbara Streisand showed up. "I CAN DIE NOW!" Of course I wouldn't be that overly dramat- *DIEZ*